undercover (11)

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"WAKEY WAKEY WAKEY WAKEY!" I heard pots and pans bagging while yelling. I pull out my gun and click load it. "I have a gun and I'm not afriad to use it!" "WAKE......" she stop a bagging. Its only Cathrine. Shit I think. "You sleep with a gun?" she asks me. "No its uh its fake see haha." she luaghs in relief. She grabs it. "Ima stick a cat in ur ass." she says pointing it at me. I grab it and put it in my drawer. "No no no Catherine its ima stick a cap in ur ass." Victoria trys to say. "Why would any one want a cap in their ass?" Victoria smacks her Palm in her face. "And who would wanna stick a cat in their ass huh?" Catherine looks at me and I shrug.

When she turns to look at Victoria i cover my mouth and let out a small little laugh. Cathrine looks at me and I move my hands back to how they were before and she won't even think anything happened. "Um theres an awkward silence in here so......" She rolls her eyes in a non rude way and looks back at me then Victoria waitung fir someone to say something. Finally I deicide ti say "so what?" She lights up with joy "well since you asksed...." she starts "im gonna go shopping whos in?" "WHOOP WHOOP YEAYEA SISTER IM IN!" Victoria yells thorwing on a shirt. "What bout you Ash? You in?" Victoria stops what shes doing and looks over at me.

"Oh um no I gotta do some stuff today sorry." I say in a hopefully believeble voice. "Oh ok." Catherine says looking down at the ground. "Come on cath let's go." Victoria yells walking out. Cathrine follows a minute after They slam the door shut on their way out. "Thank god some alone time." I say out loud. Yea I do lile then and all but I like a little alone time to myself. "Hey wheres that one girl." I think in my head waiting for some weird stupid idea of mind. I look over to where she slept. I see a white peice of flolded paper sitting there. I get up and walk to the couch bed. Its says,
dear Ashley
I'm sorry I left without sayung goodbye but I went home your my best friend and heres my number to text me and I know I didnt introduce myself but im sofie.
Thank you for being there for me.
Love, Sofie Jackson."

I look at the number a grab my phone. I press on the keypad and put her number in as Sofie Jackson with a big smile on my face. Im so glad I did something right and helpful for someone other than me. I get up from my kneeling position and plop back into the bed. I set my phone down on the table next to me and stare up at the ceiling again.

UndercoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora