Chapter 20

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                Another 200 feet lay a second door, this one larger than the other but still had a smaller row of ropes and rings like the first one.

                “Michael? This is your part, I’ll leave you to it.” East said half smugly half serious. He leaned up against the concrete wall and shoved his hands in his pocket. I stood a few feet behind Michael. The shivering hadn’t stopped. It was still cold. And leaning on the wall like Michael would only make it worse. Michael walked toward the ropes but turned around to look at me. His eyes were as intense as they were the first time he looked at me. I couldn’t help but try to look away. I failed however. Even in this dim light, I could see his beautiful celestial eyes looking into mine. His started to harden if just a touch. East suddenly stepped between us. Michael looked up at him with defiance. Michael turned around and started to pull some of the ropes.

                “Why, why don’t you have the code?”

                East turned around and smiled slightly at me. “It’s our bargain.”

                “What bargain?”

                “Why do you ask so many questions?! Just shut up!” Michael yelled.

                I turned my eyes to his back. His boy voice sounded very annoyed and angry. His jet black shiny, silky hair moved fast every time he jerked on the rope. Finally, the end result was 9628. Both sets of numbers seemed extremely random and trivial, but I guess a code was a code, and it didn’t have to be relevant. As soon as East opened the door, the dim lights blinked on. I expected them to be leading down another hallway. Instead, they opened up to a large, extremely gigantic big concrete rectangular room. There were dozens and dozens of, what seemed coffins with glass windows on each lid. Wires upon wires streamed from each and everyone, tied and braided together with others so there wouldn’t be too much to step on. They were all propped up on 4 black legs raising them about a yard high.

                There was a straight clear path in front of us, separating all the coffins into two halves. East walked down the path to a metal circular desk. I walked closer and saw inscriptions and jewels along the rim. In the middle, the metal was fashioned into a small bowl with a golf sized hole in the center. I walked toward one of the pods and saw on the back, the tubes. One was black, the other, a dark red, and one was clear, nothing in it at all. The black ones to every coffin trailed toward the walls or the back of the room and were stapled against it leading it up into the ceilings. The red ones trailed all the way to the back into dimmer light. I squinted a tad and saw in the walls 20 giant clear tanks filled with blood. They were all below half full. I looked to my left and saw the same set up. The thought gave me absolute shivers. The thought of all that blood, feeding these immortals…the thought of where they got it.

                I looked down to the clear tubes and saw them trail a bit away from the coffins, then into the ground. I looked over to the coffin next to the one I was standing over and saw Michael looking into the glass window where the head would be on a person. His face was calm but not without the vibration of anger escaping him.

                “Yeah. It’d be hard to kill these guys. Even if you stopped generating the power and feeding them small doses of that blood, which by the way has a bit of alchemist touch in its mixing, they’d still come back.” East spoke.

                “I guess that’s a good thing. But why would the alchemist drug the blood? What’s the point?”

                “Well, see, some other vamp paid this alchemist off to make it so if they don’t wake up with your blood, they’ll die.”

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