Chapter 7

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                My luck has deteriorated to a smaller amount yet again. Too much snow. School for the day had been called off and I was going to be stranded with Madison. I sat around in the living room waiting for her to stomp down the stairs but ended up waiting longer than I’d expected. Until she did come down the stairs I called Kerry to let her know I was ok and I needed Anna Cloid’s phone number so that I could go to her house today to retrieve my books. Luckily I didn’t need to do any of that because Kerry told me that Anna gave her my bag. I made plans to go and retrieve my books finally.

                It was 11 o’clock when Madison finally paraded with ease down the stairs and flung a scarf around her neck after grabbing the keys to her car. I don’t know if she had earphones on or just didn’t care, but she didn’t say goodbye. She closed the door behind her, I raced to the window and saw her slowly back up, turn the car around, then drive away. No doubt she would be meeting some guy but, I didn’t have time to worry or care to worry about that.

                I raced up to my room, pulled off my tank and pajama slacks, threw on a long sleeved v neck sweater along with black Capri pants stopping a tad above my ankles, and were extremely loose on my legs, and pulled on my sisters abandoned boots, lacing my feet up in the extremely long shoe strings. I took my phone and wallet and shoved them into one of my various pockets on the side of my right leg. To finish my look I tied my hair back and pulled on the jacket I wore yesterday.

                I locked up and started for the long driveway covered by trees. I took my time walking. Even though it was a bright day and white snow was everywhere, the path of our driveway was dim and hardly any snow touched the dark dirt covered in withered leaves. Except for wild life, if I walked down this path alone, it would always be incredibly solitary. Since it’s slightly going uphill and there’s a slight bend in the trail, you can’t see forward or backward unless it’s woods. Used to, my mom or dad would walk us to the end of the road, but ever since I turned 13, I went with my brother and sister without my parents.

                I didn’t stop at “The Bench”. I turned left onto the wide but empty road to head to town which was about 7 miles away. I didn’t know how I was going to make it all the way there but, I’d have to if I wanted my books. My pocket started to vibrate and then a tune came from the right side of my hip. I reached in for my cell. It was Madison. I’d like to ignore her but, if I did, she’d probably call mom and dad and then they’d come home early and I really didn’t want that. I’d have to answer.

                “Hello?” I said in a voice strained not to sound exhausted or slightly tired. “Madison? What’s up?”

                “I’m so sorry! I totally forgot that you were home!”

                She sounded anxious. I didn’t know that she forgot. She’d never make it as a lawyer for her clients if she forgot something like her sister. I let out a sigh and then a chuckle. “Don’t worry. I locked the door after you left.”

                “I didn’t lock the door?!” Madison was really upset now. I’d have to calm her down.

                “Don’t worry about it, I was there when you left and locked it. Anyway, you enjoy your date, I’m gonna be taking a nap because I didn’t sleep well so I’ll see you…” I said in a lingering tone as if I was asking a question. I was wondering when I was supposed to get home before I’d get caught out and about.

                “Oh, I’m in the city with some of my classmates, I might run into mom or dad. I’ll probably be back when they get back around 6. Ok?”

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