Chapter 19

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                The night and day lingered in together, until all darkness consumed. I made sure every room was locked, every window and door secured. I turned off every light and went downstairs to do the same. The moon seemed to freeze the air it came in on making it easy to walk in the dark. I dozed to sleep on the couch in front of the TV. A call came before 12:20. I went over to the kitchen phone, and picked up the black receiver.


                “Oh my gosh!!! What have you done?! What happened?!?! Why-what-why, what are you doing?!”


                “Explain yourself!”

                I hung up immediately. I couldn’t talk to them. I’m sure they’re trying to get back, but who knows what they’ll do to me when they arrive. Suck-ish groundment most likely. I turned toward the windows next to the front door. In the moonlight, a blur shined. At first I thought it was just an ordinary function of moonlight, but then, it seemed to be growing a neck, then head. All at once, it disappeared. I rushed over to a lamp then flicked it on. It was all civil. Nothing supernatural about it. But knowing about vampires, this scene didn’t comfort me. I cautiously walked into the light and felt nothing, saw nothing and was relieved.

                I went to the door to make sure I locked it. Instead of locking the door, I felt like I had an obligation to open it. To turn the handle. The opening sound of the door came next, budging it out of its snug place. I walked through the threshold. I was wearing nothing but my Tshirt and small shorts. I didn’t turn back though. Instead, I held my arms together, walked slowly out to the sidewalk and started round back. The moon lit everything aglow, and all was visible. I was completely alone. Until far on top of the lake I saw an un-detailed, blurry light blue bordering on white figure of a body. Male or female, yet to be determined, if I would see it again.

                Was I asleep? Was I insane? I had to be insane. Was it ridiculous I was actually letting my curiosity of this get the best of me that I was walking toward it? The figure appeared almost full, turned toward me and faded like a light. My shivering fast clouds of breath made me feel like there was a ghost nearby. I wished it just to be a trick of the light. I walked toward the pond, careful not to slide down hill like that one time, and stopped in front of it. I circled around it, like I was waiting for something. Maybe a vampire or ghost or skeleton to come springing out through the ice. I looked toward the woods because I heard a twig snap.

                In the darkness, the light shined walking, growing smaller as it further traveled in the thick woods. I squatted down to the ground without letting anything but my bare feet touch it. Snow numbed the soles to anxiety. I stood, clenched my jaw and fists, and walked toward the woods. Each step felt like a few needles were poking at my feet. I stopped only a few inches in front of the woods where I saw the freaky glow. My heart beat too fast. I felt like I was going to throw up. I heard digging sounds. I placed my hand on the tree next to me, and pushed myself across the line, I never dared think to cross.

                Following my ears I hastily continued forward. I saw a man in old generation clothes, 70’s style, digging. Beside the bright light figure, lay a still dark red glowing figure, a black mist flowing from it. The white almost transparent figure stopped shoveling, changed it’s body type as if aging, looked at me, smiled with a blurred out face, then popped off like a bulb. I walked back, then back again, turned around, raced out of the woods for the openness where I was supposed to be, ran up to the house, locked the door, and ran to my bathroom. I turned on as many lights as I could find.

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