Chapter 18

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                I opened my email account and saw a message from Amelia.

                “Don’t know why you’re not answering your phone but schools out, so why don’t we hang?”

                Yes. School was officially out. I saw that I got about 20 messages from Kerry. I read the most recent. She was upset I was ignoring her and she had wanted to work things out, but I didn’t. I logged out and fell onto the couch in the living room. By now, where would my family be? Still on the plane most likely.

                It’d be another couple hours before they landed, maybe another hour before they even got to a phone? They’d be back home in another day. Would that be enough time? They’d probably drop Santa off, come home and be worried sick about me. Except maybe Madison. Should I let them believe, I got separated or something? No way. I was on the plane when they were separated from me. Maybe I should act like I was trying to figure out who I am and go on a road trip? I laughed at the thought. Road trip? More like hobo walk. Unless I could get the truck to run.

                I turned on the TV, made some breakfast and tried to forget all my problems. Instead, working over the stove seemed to get me into a daze to think about them. They came in a list.

1.       Should I trust East or Michael? They seem to be hiding something.

2.       When will this all be over? In time before my parents to come?

3.       What am I going to do about Kerry and my life after Michael and East are gone?

4.       Will my life be able to go on the way it used to be, or will the vampire war prevent it?

5.       Something I don’t think I’ve really thought about until now, but, do I really want my life to go back to the way it was?

That’s one thing, I think had been bugging me. I like this adventure. My life before now was fine, but, having a taste of this vampire agenda filled life, I don’t think I would want to let it go. Even after their done with me, their journey will still go on. I feel like I was just a random rock on the side of the road they needed for however small or big a reason, and then, they’ll go on to the next road, the next point in their destination. What is the life of a vampire? Not the actual being of one, just what they have to do that’s so different than human lives. Is there always another war to fight? Is there always another thing to do? One that could make a difference for this world, even if we don’t know it?

Then again, there’s the standby of, pain when a loved one dies and you don’t. I care for my family. And what would happen if I stay? What would happen to Santa?

I placed the eggs and sausage on a plate, toasted myself some bread, poured a cup of orange juice and watched TV on the couch in the dark roomed, cozy warm house. No sun streamed in yet. It was about 10:00. I made sure all the windows were covered so I could enjoy the house without the annoyance of blinding white. An hour passed. Still no light trying to get in. I opened the front door and saw the sky, a dreadful yet beautiful dark gray. The wind was freezing, the snow pure and white. The air smelled of it. It would snow or rain today, wouldn’t it?

A figure came out of the woods from our driveway, and on our front lawn. It was Kerry. She was bundled in a big fat black coat, had on some orange skinny jeans, dark brown boots and she left her hair all the way undone, except for it being combed. She stood in front of me, breathing hard and her teeth chattering. I wasn’t about to close the door on her, but I wasn’t sure I should be inviting her in.


“Are you that mad at me?”


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