Chapter 5

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Oh gosh. I am so glad I don't write like this anymore. XD Also, I recently started reading this vampire type book, it's great. The plot is terrific and wow. So, if you like this, I'm sure you'll like the one I dedicated this chapter to. the book is called "Dark Blood" Check it out!!!


                I surprised myself. I didn’t plead Tristan to pull over so I could vomit on the side of the road. I didn’t cover his broad back with my lunch either. I didn’t even throw up at home. I ate dinner like regular, a bit quieter than usual… and I lay on my bed watching TV. I was however shaking to death.

                My parents were freaked out over my bloody nose and lip but they soon felt better when I told them I slammed into the bathroom door. Which was a lie of course. I hated this. But I couldn’t afford to worry about that now. There was a serial killer at my school who said he wanted something in my house. It’s probably Madison. Given her reputation with the boys, I don’t see how that couldn’t be the answer. And when she wasn’t sick, she was a total classy girl. East was right. He said I couldn’t get that for him. It’s that and I wouldn’t. But then, what did he bury? I’m not gonna give up. No way. I just had to drink some hot tea and let my stomach settle down to organize my thoughts.

                I’m still wondering about that crow. Who knows? Maybe it is trivial, but to be certain, I’d have to ask East about that. Odd though, so young and he said he’d held and attacked several girls before me. He either had no conscience and started killing girls within a few days or weeks or months a little while ago or… he started really young. Maybe he had some twisted family member who did it and got him into it… ugh. I feel sick. How old is he really? Gonna have to find that out too. If only I could write this stuff down. But, unfortunately, unless I want anyone being able to find out… I’d have to keep these drastic words off print. But…why? Why not just go to the police? He didn’t threaten me to that option. Not that I remember. I’ll do it tomorrow. After school and a little before the party. I have to go to the party. If my parents suspect anything of me not going it’d turn out bad.

                For now, I put my thoughts in a box and shoved it aside. My mom instructed me to soak my foot in hot water, dry it and wrap it up again but a little less and to put on a sock. I forgot all about my damaged foot. It hurt a bit, I used that foot to kick East in the gut. I made sure my patio door was closed and locked tight. I pulled the drapes and snuggled up in my bed. One thing still gnawed at me though. It was still serial killer creepy but, very un-human. His eyes. What was up with his eye? Changing color like that. Was it some sort of drug or something? Was he possessed? I didn’t want to think about it. But I didn’t get a wink of sleep the whole night except for a couple hours before sun up.

                That day I wore a pair of black jeans, a red T with a hunter green choker and kept my hair down. I found an old pair of my sister’s combat boots which she totally abandoned in the garage so I wore those. They were in great shape because they were kept in a box and she never used them. They were one size bigger than mine but with the fuzzy socks I had on I couldn’t tell the difference. To top it all off I wore a big gray hoodie of my mom’s which came down to just above my knees. I didn’t like hoodies zipped so I wore it open.

                I noticed I had forgotten to get my other jacket and book bag from behind my desk yesterday. I rushed off as soon as I could with another bag so mom wouldn’t wonder what I’d done with my schoolbooks.

                I wasn’t looking forward to seeing East but I wouldn’t let him control me. I’ve seen TV shows about how the victims were shadowed and controlled by their stalkers. He was my opponent. I won’t let him win. Plus I have a can of pepper spray my mom gave me a long time ago. To my surprise and slight disappointment though… he wasn’t there.

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