A family.

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Stingy stood there in front of her staring at her fondly.
"What?" She asked.
"Nothing, you just seem like you need a little vacation."
"I'm terrified of what Spo will think."
"Well, I can't make him not give you a lecture but I can delay it. Come on."
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see. Come with me."
He took her hand and they fled the theater, running out of town and whipped his phone out, "Seth? Yes, can you bring the car around? Thank you." He stuffed his phone in his pocket and waited for the car to pull up.
"What are you up to?" Jade asked.
"I'm giving you a day that you deserve."
"You actually believe me?"
"Yes I do. Trixie is a monster and I think you did a great job standing up for yourself."
The car pulled up and Seth rolled down his window, "where to, sir?"
Stingy looked at Jade, "Hungry?"
"What would you like?"
"I miss sushi so much."
"Get in we're picking up sushi."
Jade smiled and hopped in with Stingy, riding away finding the closest sushi place and picking up a few other things along the way.
"Sushi and junk food? What are you planning?"
"I don't know I'm making it up as I go along." He looked at her and smiled. "Here, stick all of this in your bag."
Stingy looked out the window and spotted a train in the distance, "Hey Seth. Stop here."
The car stopped and they both got out, "what do you think? Can we catch it in time?"
Jade looked at him in disbelief, "are you alright?"
"Yes. I feel awesome."
"Because you're thinking about jumping on a moving train."
"Yeah, come on. I've always wanted to do this."
"We could die."
"We might not."
Looking at his face, she knew by the expression he wasn't doing this because he liked her. He was doing it because he wanted to. Not to impress her, but to do something he always wanted to do with her. She couldn't make him stop.
"Alright but we must be careful."
"Yes! Come on, we have to catch up to it." They took off running towards the train, ending up running alongside it. Stingy jumped upon the caboose of the train and pulled her up quickly.
"Okay, I have to admit, that was pretty awesome." She said fixing her dress and sitting down on the platform.
"That was fun." He sat down across from her.
Jade opened her bag and handed him his box of sushi and laid out all the rest of the food and drink.
"Where are we going?" Jade asked.
Stingy looked around, "looks like we're heading towards Ghostown." He grinned. Jade giggled at his mischievous face.
"So, tell me Jade. Why green hair?"
"It's my favorite color." Jade thought a moment. "I also did it to get my dad upset."
Stingy laughed, "such a good excuse, Jade."
"Oh, yes. You've never met my father. I'm glad he's out of my life."
"I know this might be a weird question but, do you ever see Sportacus as a dad now that he's out of your life?"
Jade was a bit speechless, Jade didn't even think of that, "why do you ask?"
"He's never had kids. He's never even married or even had a girlfriend. Everyone knows he wants kids though."
"Why do you think that?"
"Because he loves the kids of LazyTown as if they were his own."
Jade looked down at her food in deep thought.
"I'm sorry, it was just a question."
"No, I know. It's just that, I don't think I'd be a good daughter to him. I've already messed up."
"So? Children make mistakes."
"Yes, but..."
"Tell me, it's okay."
"The worst part of being a daughter to my old dad is that he used to scream and belittle me. I know Spo wouldn't mean it if he did but I don't think I can take anymore yelling from anyone."
"I'm sorry that's happened to you."
"It's okay. I'm just glad I'm away from him."
Silence fell on the train and the sun started to set. Stingy looked up from pondering a moment, "what do you mean that was the worst part? What else did he do?"
Jade looked up at him with dagger eyes, clearly telling him to leave it. Stingy, even though being told to stop also got the message she was hiding.
"He didn't?-"
"Please don't say it." Her harsh eyes turned vulnerably soft and scared. "That's why I don't trust men, I'm afraid of it happening again. I'm still surprised I'm talking to you, Robbie and Spo-"
"Hey, hey, hey...shhh." He took her hand. "No one is going to hurt you in LazyTown. Not Trixie, not your father. No one. I promise."
Jade looked down to hide her tears but Stingy lifted her chin. "I mean it. I know all of us are going to have to prove that to you but, just please keep that in mind until we do gain your trust."
Jade nodded as tears fell onto her cheeks. Stingy didn't know whether to hug her or dry her tears. What could he do? He didn't know her well to know her reactions. Instead he laid a hand on her arm. "It's going to be okay."
"Please don't promise that."
"Why not?"
"Because it's never okay. I mean, a child should never run away from home because her drunk father is unhappy with his life and decides to take it out on his daughter."
"I know."
"It's never going to be okay, I'm going to go home to Spo screaming at me."
"No. No he won't. I promise you he's not like that. He's never yelled at anyone out of anger."
"...okay."  Jade didn't know what to say to something so strange. She was always yelled at. Being screamed at was almost like the tension building up to a beating. That's why she hated it so much. No one belittling her or degrading her was such an odd feeling. She knew it was a good thing but she was never used to it.
"You are in a safe place. I know this may be too bold to say but-"
"Just say it Stingy. Don't walk on egg shells for me."
"You have a family here. No one is ever going to hit you again."

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