Jump rope

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Jade woke up in the morning and headed to the park where the kids blocked her from entering, "Uhm...good morning."
"Good morning." Pixel said in a harsh tone. Jade frowned and looked at all of them, "I'm guessing you all found out it was me."
"Yeah, and we want an apology." Trixie said with her hair down for the first time Jade had seen her. Jade scowled at her, "I'm not apologizing to you."
The kids gasped and straightened, "I apologize to the rest of you but not Trixie. She knows what she has done to deserve what she got."
"Why did you do it?" Stephanie asked.
"I wanted to see who pulled that trick on me in the theater."
"And you think I did it?!" Trixie said outraged.
"I know you did it! I heard you talking about it in the bathroom!" Jade screamed in her face. "You could've killed me, you know that right?"
Trixie glared at Jade and then her friends, she couldn't admit it in front of them. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Stop it, Jade." Stephanie got in between them. "You played pranks on all of us, how do we know if you're not lying?"
"I don't care if you believe me. She knows she did it and she should be ashamed of herself." Jade reached in her bag and threw Trixie's ponytail in her face. "You dropped something last night." Jade then walked off into the theater. Stingy and a few business men were standing in the aisle as she walked in, "Oh, I'm so sorry-" she quickly wiped her tears. Stingy caught it and came to her, "No, no. It's fine, we were just speaking of remodeling the theater." He clasped her shoulders. "Why are you upset?" He almost whispers.
"I just need a quiet place..."
"Done." He turned to the men in their fine suits. "Excuse me, gentleman but I've been notified of another engagement I have forgotten. Can I call you back to reschedule?" He asked so politely.
"Of course, Sir." The men left the building and the two were left in the silence of the theater. Jade looked at him a little astonished, no one ever dismissed something so important for her.
"Now, why were those pretty eyes wet?" He asked.
"Your friends hate me."
"Oh? Why is that?" He asked.
"They have the right to be mad. I did pull all those pranks on them."
"That was you?" He chuckled. "What did you do that for?"
Jade looked at him curiously, "you're not mad at me?"
"Why should I be? One, my friends are all grown up and can take care if themselves. Two, even though I just met you yesterday, I know you don't do anything without a good reason behind it."
"I did it to see who pranked me in the theater."
"So you pranked them back?" He asked. "And what did they do to you?"
"One if them knocked me in the back with a stage light, leaving a huge bruise. I got them all back to see which one would get the angriest."
"Do you k ow who hurt you?"
Stingy's face was grave, "will you excuse me for a moment?"
"I'll be right back."
Jade looked up at the stage and climbed the steps, tuned her guitar and started to sing. It was her therapy, it made her feel free from her worries.
"Remember how you used to say
You couldn't wait till tomorrow for a brand new day
no fuss when ya had to ride the bus
You just add a little blush
To paralyze your school crush..."
Stingy walked over to Trixie and pulled her aside, "Good morning to you too handsome-"
"Stay away from Jade."
"Why? Do you like her?"
"I do and you are never to lay a finger on her or even come within twenty feet of her or I'll have you arrested for assault."
"Oh she told you about the spotlight incident."
"Incident my ass, Trixie! You pulled the same thing on me the day I broke up with you."
"Now you're older and the weight is on your shoulder
Make the world a little colder
No more hidin in the old day
Be strong
Don't you give up hope
It will get hard
Life's like a jump rope!"

"Oh really?" She crossed her arms.
"You dropped a flower pot on my head from the balcony!"
"That was an accident."
"No it wasn't." Stingy fumed.
"Up down
Up down
Up down
Up down yeah
It will get hard
Cause it will get hard..."
"Leave her alone."
"You can't just get rid of me like that, Stingy."
"Yes, I can. I gave you a proper break up and closure. It's not my fault that you still have the idea in your crazy head that we'd get back together."
Stingy walked off and back to the theater.
"You gotta hold your head up high and
Watch all the negative go by
Don't ever be ashamed to cry
You go ahead!
Cause life's like a jump rope!"

Stingy walked in hearing her voice echo loudly in the empty theater. She didn't notice him come in and he took a seat. Her voice sounded like a battle cry, as if every word was filled with her frustration and channeled  into a song. It was authoritative and strong despite how hurt she was that day. Her voice was the sound of a survivor, a soldier. 
"I want to tell you that everything will be okay
That everything will eventually turn itself to gold
So keep pushing through it all
Don't follow, lead the way
Don't lose yourself or your hope
Cause life's like a jump rope

Up down
Up down
Up down
Up down yeah

You stomp your feet so hard you make it pound
Raise the bottom to the top
And now we're never coming down

Up down stomp your feet spin around
Clap hands to the rhythm
Then you slip down

You stomp your feet so hard you make it pound
Raise the bottom to the top
And now we're never coming down!"
Stingy smiled. She was incredible, once she ended the song he stood and clapped startling Jade as she noticed him there. She blushed.
"How long have you been here?"
"Long enough. You sound sensational by the way."
"Thank you."

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