Welcome home rich boy

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Jade looked at Stingy with a scowl, "Hi."
Stingy frowned at her angry expression, "Oh, now that's not a pretty face."
Jade looked a bit surprised at the rich boy. Pretty? He thought she was pretty? She tried to recover from his almost compliment and crossed her arms, "well, it's not supposed to be. You almost ran me over."
"I apologize it's in my genes, if I see something I want I go out and get it."
Jade fought the blush rising to her cheeks, "Even if it means mowing someone over?"
"Oh I didn't mean it."
"Uh huh, sure." She went to leave but Stingy called out to her, "what's your name?"
She turned around and clenched her fists, "Jadis Precious, what's yours?"
"Stingy. Nice to meet you Jadis."
"Jade...just call me Jade."
"Hmmm...Jade? Like the precious green stone? I like it."
"Goodbye." She walked off a bit irritated, almost like Robbie walked and Stingy laughed watching her. "Cute."
Jade came to the park and sat down on a bench to write her song, it was far enough from the kids so she wouldn't be disturbed. Trixie came over to her and sat next to her, "what are you writing?" She asked sticking her nose in her notebook. Jade immediately pulled her book away and looked at her with an expression of surprise, "um...personal space, please?"
"So, what did Stingy have to say to you?" She asked with a hint of defensiveness in her voice.
"Nothing." Jade stared at her strangely. "Why do you care?"
"Because, he's my boyfriend."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, so stay away." She glared at her. Jade chuckled at Trixie.
"What makes you think I'm interested in that stuck up, bow tied and selfish boy?"
"You take that back!"
Jade was loving this, she was getting Trixie all upset by such a small thing. She wondered how long she could fan this flame of anger in her, "How can something be unsaid?"
Trixie clenched her fists and fumed. Jade was completely amused by her expression, "Now if you're done interrogating me, I have to be somewhere."
Jade walked off and headed to Robbie's house.
Laughter boomed from inside Robbie's home, "You should've seen the look on her face. It was truly priceless!" Jade said recovering from her bout of laughter. Robbie leaned back in his chair and relaxed, "I'm so proud. I turned you rotten." He chuckled to himself.
"Nah, I was rotten before I met you." She smiled.
"Yeah, I just made you worse."
Sportacus slid down the pipe and met them inside, "Jade, did you see Stephanie in the theater today?"
"No, not at all. I was in one of the dressing rooms so I could find a quiet place to write."
"Okay, she was having trouble with her radio today I was just wondering if you seen anything."
Sportacus looked at her curiously, was she up to something? Jade kind of felt bad lying to him but she wanted to know who hurt her and this seemed like the only way. Spo sat down next to Robbie and Jade, "Stingy has come home. Would you like to meet him?"
"oh yeah I forgot to tell you I already met him."
"you did? when?"
"A few minutes ago when he pulled in. The lunatic almost ran me over."
"Sorry about that, Stingy does love his car."
"yeah and then Trixie decided to get upset with me about it, apparently he's her boyfriend."
"her boyfriend?"
"yeah that's what she told me."
"Stingy broke up with her a year ago. Trixie was draining him dry."
"oh really? well,that's new information."
Sportacus  gave her a knowing look and smiled at her. Jade grimaced at that face you made, "Ew, I know why you're looking at me like that and no I'm not interested in someone who almost hit me with a car."
"He did that?" He asked. Jade nodded. "Well, he does love his car."
"I should say so." She crossed her arms a bit unhappy at what had unfolded earlier and sat back in the fluffy orange chair that Robbie had let her sit in.
"Don't let one mistake set your opinion of him, he really is a sweet boy."
"He's not the one I'm worried about, It's Trixie. If she decides to try and talk back to me like she did again, I will put her in her place."
"Yeah, take that girl with a grain of salt, she's not as threatening as she acts."
"Come on, we're having a welcome home party for him. You're invited."
"Oh, great. I'm so excited."
"Enough of the sarcasm, precious. Put on something dressy and let's go."
Sportacus brought her back into the airship and she fumbled through her backpack, she didn't have a dress. She slowly walked out of her room, "We have a problem..."
"What is it?" He asked.
"Everything I have is either black, plaid or torn."
"You don't have anything?"
Jade shook her head. Spo scratched the back of his neck, "I think I may have someone who can help, come on."
They left the airship and knocked on Stephanie's door, "Hey Jade, Hey Sportacus." She greeted them with a smile.
"Hey, Steph. Jade here needs a dress for tonight. Do you think you can help?"
"Of course I can. Come in, I have tons of dresses." She took Jades hand and pulled her inside.
"None of them are pink right?" Jade asked a bit frightened of the possibility.
"No silly. Pink wouldn't be very good for your complexion." She opened her closet and sifted through the garments which to Jade's surprise weren't all a putrid pink.
Stephanie pulled out a lacy white and strapless dress, holding it up to Jade, "Perfect."
"Yeah, it brings out the peachy tones in your skin and it will make your hair the main focus."
Jade looked down at it and nodded, "Okay."
Jade left to change and came back for Stephanie to look her over.
"Do you have dress shoes?"
Jade shook her head, "No."
Stephanie giggled and pulled out a pair of teal, strappy flats, "There, now you have a statement piece."
"You're really good at this." Jade said slipping on the shoes and lacing them up. She looked at herself in the mirror n gasped, "I literally cannot believe it."
"You're beautiful." Steph smiled. Jade hid her smile as she took another glance. "How about that hair."
Jade shrugged, "you've taken me this far. I trust you."

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