Prank 1

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When she healed enough to walk, everyday she actively avoided the kids. She didn't want to be around those who didn't like her. She knew it was only one of the kids they hurt her so badly but she didn't know which one. Staying away from all of them seemed much safer. She didn't mind either, she enjoyed her own company mist of the time. If she ever did want company, she always had Robbie or Sportacus to help with that. As far as they go, they were the only two men she actually trusted. It usually takes forever for a guy to earn her trust.
She slid down the pipe, which wasn't the best idea since she emerged the other side doubled over in pain, "Jade, you know I like you but we both know that-"
"Oh save it stretch. You're a lot more fun than you think."
Robbie came over to her and led her to his fluffy chair, "you shouldn't be running around with that big bruise still trying to heal."
Sportacus informed Robbie of the incident the moment it happened and Robbie turned furious. He liked Jade, he didn't know why anyone would intentionally hurt her like that. A part of Robbie he never knew existed awakened in him when he became angry. It was as if he felt very protective over her, almost like an alpha in a wolf pack would be protective over his pups.
Robbie helped her up for a second to check the wound, "Let's see how it's healed."
She crossed her arms and gave a brief scowl, she felt like she was five when they did this. The bruise was vanishing nicely, there was a big scratch from where the metal hit her that was also scabbing up as well.
"Not bad. Your bruise is almost gone, your scratch might scar though. It was deep enough."
"H-hey careful back there!" She jumped as Robbie touched a sore spot.
"Sorry, but it..." He noticed the scars on her back just like Sportacus did. A bit of sadness sprung to his eyes, Jade knew that he was staring at her back and decided to distract him, "when is your birthday, Robbie?"
"August thirteenth, why?"
"That's coming up, what are you going to do for it?"
Robbie sighed, knowing that she was trying to divert him, "Nothing. Just like every year." He dropped the back of her shirt, "It's healing nicely."
"You don't do anything for your birthday?"
"Nope. I'm the bad guy remember? No one wants to spend time with me."
"Robbie, you're not a bad guy. You may have been a long time ago but you're not one now."
"Tell that to the other kids, they hate me."
"You'd be surprised if you just asked what they thought of you." She crossed her arms.
"Yeah, right." Robbie fiddled with a few things on his lab table. "So, what are you going to do now that the kids don't like you?"
"Not all of them, just one. And I don't know yet."
"I know what you can do. Just prank them all and see which one gets the angriest."
Jade let out a giggle, "Yeah that's a good idea."
"No I'm serious, people show their real selves when confronted. Especially one who is guilty."
"What should I do?" She asked.
"Get them when they least expect...which is any moment because you're new."
"Great." Jade went to leave. "Oh, and expect a birthday present. Just a heads up." Jade left his house and headed to the park. She hid behind the wall and peered over to see all of the kids playing in the park.
"Pixel, put down your gadget so you can throw the ball better!" Stephanie said. Pixel shook his head and placed it on top of the wall where Jade was.
Jade crouched down to avoid being seen, then he returned to the baseball field with his friends.
She took the gadget and ripped the mother board out of the back, running with it's she hid. When Pixel eventually returned to it, his eyes went wide and screamed. "AAAAAHHHHH!!!!"
The other kids came running to see what had happened, "what's wrong Pixel?"
"Someone broke my easy-thrower 5000!"
"Well, it wasn't very good at throwing anyway, Pixel." Stephanie said. Pixel looked at her fuming, "Did you do this?!"
"What?! No. Of course not. I was with you the whole time, I never left the field."
"Then it must have been Trixie!" He turned to her. She scowled.
"Me?! I was on the field too. I was the umpire."
"But you're fast and sneaky. You must have done this."
Sportacus jumped into the middle of the argument, "what's wrong?"
"Someone broke my gadget!" Pixel shouted.
Sportacus investigated and looked at the machine in his hands, "who would do this?"
"Maybe it fell." Ziggy suggested.
"And hopped back up onto the wall?" Pixel said angrily.
"It could have. I mean a lot of your machines go wacky."
Pixels tense shoulders dropped, "maybe you're right."
"I've got to make sure I make it look like an accident this time." Jade whispered to herself.
"Where's Jade?" Spo asked. Jade quickly threw the bit of the machine into the trees before returning to the park, "Jade!" Spo called to her.
"Did you see what happened to Pixels machine?"
"No, I was with Robbie the whole time. I just got back."
"You were with Robbie?" Ziggy asked a bit surprised.
"Yeah, we're friends." Jade shrugged.
"Who in their right mind becomes friends with Robbie?" Trixie retorted.
"A clever and friendly person." Jade bit back.
"Come on Trixie, Robbie isn't that bad. He's nice sometimes." Pixel replied.
"Yeah, he gave me cookies on my birthday last year."
"He's not as mean as he used to be." Stephanie chimed in. "He wanted to learn the bing bang dance and I taught him."
"And he helped Stingy's family get out of that bad business deal." Sportacus said. Jade was loving hearing all of the nice things, it inspired her.
"What other nice things has he done?" She said perching herself on the wall.
"He's saved a few of the kids...well, by accident. But still." Sportacus spoke up. Jade kept the conversation going, this was going to be great. After the day's events, she knew it wasn't Pixel. She felt bad as she laid in bed, she'd have to make it up to him somehow. Maybe Robbie could come up with something better. She shrugged and turned off her light, cocooned herself into her comforter and fell asleep.

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