Sing it all away

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The morning came and Sportacus knocked on her door in an energized frenzy. She opened the door to see his bright smile greeting her.
"Good morning."
"Morning." She rubbed her eyes.
He flipped to his food table and Jade followed him groggily. "What would you like for breakfast?"
She looked at the table and saw an assortment of different fruits.
"A bowl of fruit?"
"Sure. Which fruits?"
"Uhm...surprise me."
Spo smiles and threw a few fruits in the air chopping them in pieces and letting them land in a bowl. Banana orange and strawberries decorated the bowl as he handed it to her, "wow, you've got to teach me that."
"I'll be happy to."
Sportacus grabbed an apple and flipped to his captains chair. Jade just sat next to the big window of the ship and watched as Sportacus pedaled towards the town.
"So, what is the schedule today Spo?"
"Is it okay if I call you that? Your name is so long."
"Hmm...I've never had a nick name besides Sportaflop. I like Spo. Yes you can call me that." He turned a little sharply before answering her question, "I have to petrol the town for trouble and I was wondering if you wanted to meet the kids today. If not, you're fifteen I'm not going to make you do anything."
"I'd love to meet the kids." She gave a smile.
"Great. Stingy has left with his parents for vacation. You'll meet him later."
Once breakfast was finished they came down to the park, no one was there by the time they got there so they waited.
"You brought your guitar with you?" Spo asked.
"Yeah. I thought I'd write out here."
"Okay. I'm sure the kids will love that."
Jade smiled. She wasn't exactly intending to put on a show for the kids. She wasn't intending on joining them just yet.
Stephanie came out of her house and greeted the two.
"Hello, you must be Jade. I'm Stephanie."
"Hi. It's nice to meet you."
"Same to you. Nice guitar."
"Thanks. Sportacus bought it for me, he's too kind."
"She's a really great singer." Spo replied. Jade shook her head as Stephanie turned to his voice. The moment she turned back Jade gave a weak smile.
"You should play something." Stephanie beamed.
"Oh I don't-"
"It's okay, Jade go ahead and play."
Jade tried not to look agitated and started playing. She played slow and steady for a while and then sped up the instrumental song giving the two listeners a burst of unexpected adrenaline as they listened on silently.
Once she ended the song they both clapped, "that was lovely, Jade. What's the name if that song?"
"There is no name I think. I learned it off of a movie I saw once."
"It's a lovely song."
The other kids started playing in the park and Stephanie joined them, "don't you want to meet them all?" Sportacus asked her.
He led her to the other kids and introduced her, "hey guys, this is Jade." The group stopped to look at her. "Jade this is Trixie, Ziggy and Pixel."
She shyly waved at everyone, "hi."
"It's nice to meet you, Jade." Ziggy spoke for the rest of the group. Trixie looked her up and down, she didn't know if she liked her yet.
"Would you like to play with us?" Ziggy asked her.
"I think I'll watch for now, is that alright?"
"Sure that's okay."
"You're new so we don't expect you to jump in so quickly." Trixie said in a very cold voice.
"Thanks." Jade replied not exactly noticing her tone.
The kids  resumed their games and Sportacus went on his petrol. Jade was left to herself and so she decided to explore the town.
She noticed the tiny shops and the museum, grocery stores. She crossed the theater and decided to go in, it was massive and quiet. It was perfect.
She wandered about before she climbed the steps to the stage, she pulled up a stool and started playing,
"I know a place that will take you away
Your troubles no longer remain from the day
I found a love there it's hard to escape
It cures me at night, but it hurts when I wake."
She sang softly, matching the voice of the guitar. She didn't know, but Trixie followed her to the theater and heard her singing.
"What a snooze fest of a song." She then started to peruse around backstage.

"There's no judge and the jury's at bay
Cause this is our house where melodies play
If worries still linger my friends and I say
Top up your cup and let's sing it all away."
Trixie looked around and up at the stage lights, "Perfect." She pulled on a rope to loosen one of the lights, hoping to get Jade to shut up.

"Oh oh oh
Sing it all away, sing it all away my darlings
Oh oh oh
Sing it all away, sing it all away and I'll carry you home.
Oh oh oh...OOF!" A stage light collided with Jades back and knocked her off the stage. The impact knocked the wind out of her and sent her guitar flying through the air. Jade heard a laugh before Sportacus came in just in time to catch her guitar before it fell.
"Holy crap that hurt!" She winced. Sportacus came over to help her up, "Are you okay?" He asked.
"My back hurts."
"Okay, let's take it slow." He slowly helped her up until she was standing. "What happened?"
"I was just singing in here and I got hit with a stage light."
"It must have been an accident."
"No I heard someone laughing back stage."
Sportacus gently sat her down and jumped up on stage and looked around, "there's no one here."
"There was when I was here, I swear." She tried masking the pain from her voice. He came back to her and helped her out of the seat, "May I check to make sure your back isn't broken?" Jade nodded and lifted the back of her shirt to reveal a large bruise forming where she had been hit. He also noticed older marks around it.
"Does it hurt right here?" He pushed gently on her spine and she groaned in pain. "It doesn't look broken, we'll know if it gets swollen later."
"Let's get you home and put some ice on it."
They walked out of the theater and he called down the ladder and looked at her, "Can you climb."
"It's hard even to walk, Spo."
"Okay, climb on my back."
Jade wrapped her arms around the heroes neck and he climbed up as fast as he could. She laid down on her bed while he prepared the ice.
"Here we go." He placed it on her back, making her wince. "I know, the good news is that it's not broken, it would've swelled up already."
"Thank you Sportacus." She said hiding her saddened face. She knew that someone in town didn't like her and it seemed like things in her old life were repeating. Sportacus could feel the depressed vibe from her, all he could do was lay a comforting hand on her shoulders.
"Everything is going to be okay."

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