Prank 2

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Jade awoke the next morning with a little more energy than she had the last time. She was finally rested and bright eyed, it was a good feeling and it refreshed her. "Good morning, Sportacus." She said skipping out of her room all dressed for the day. She wore a grunge white tee with an inky star that looked like it was splattered on with black paint. Her green curls escaped from the bottom of her beanie and she wore red skinny jeans with her converse, "Wow, you look nice today." Spo said giving her an apple for breakfast. She took it gratefully and bit into the juicy fruit.
"So what are your plans for today, Precious?" Spo asked.
"Oho! Okay is this my nickname now?" She smiled.
"Yes." He said giving her a mockingly stern look. Jade just giggled and playfully nudged him. "You like it?" He asked.
"It's my last name, it's not exactly original but yes I like it."
Sportacus laughed, "Well, I was going to call you Clover or leprechaun. Or maybe green giant, grass hopper-" Spo was stopped mid sentence when a strawberry hit his face.
"Oops." She grinned and turned back to the table before the strawberry hit her in the back of the head. "Hey!" She laughed out.
"Oops." He came over to the table to get his breakfast. "You're all bushy tailed today."
"I'm bursting with energy."
"That's because you're getting enough sleep and eating healthy."
"I assumed as much." She said sarcastically.
"Come on, let's do some exercises together."  He led her to the middle of the room. "Let's jump rope." He said handing her a rope to use.
They started jumping and Jade Was almost as good as he was. She was quick and every time he shouted out a move she did it immediately and transitioned well.
"Wow, you're good."
"Why, thank you." She stopped and took a breather.
"Are you going to run off to somewhere quiet again today?"
"Yes, I have a good idea for a song and I want to return to the theater to use the piano."
"Yeah. The theater is open for everyone. Just be careful this time."
"I will." She ran back to her room and packed her bag with her song book and   Her guitar before returning to see Sportacus fiddling with the module.
"Stand next to the bar."
"You'll see." He said pushing one last button before standing with her. "Down!" He ordered his ship and his platform lowered all the way to the ground below.
"Thanks, Sportacus." She gave him a hug before leaving for the theater. It took him by surprise but he hugged her back anyway. He was a hugger after all. He spotted Robbie coming towards him a bit agitated, he assumed it was because too early for him, "We need to talk."
"Okay-whoa!" Spo's arm was now in Robbie's grip as he led him aside somewhere private. "Robbie, what's going on?"
"Jade was being abused by her father."
"Yes, I suspected that."
"So you've seen her scars and you didn't think it was necessary to tell me?"
"I'm sorry, Robbie. It's a touchy subject with her I didn't think she'd want anyone to know."
"Where is she now?"
"She's in the theater, practicing a song."
"Is she safe there? The last time she almost broke her back." Robbie's grip on Spo's arm tightened and he flinched. Robbie let him go and apologized.
"What's gotten into you?"
"I don't know. I just feel the need to protect her. I want to make sure she's okay."
Spo gave him a knowing look, "Awe. You like her."
Robbie flustered, "what?! No!" He scoffed. "I just...she's the only kid that doesn't get on my nerves, okay." He crossed his arms.
"Uh huh, you like her. She's taken a shine to the big bad wolf because she knows that the big bad wolf isn't so bad."
"Oh stop it! Just keep an eye on her."
Spo laughed as he thumped away in his usual grumpy manner. "Nice seeing you again, Robbie!" He waved.
"Shut up!"
Sportacus smiled as he carried on with his patrol. Jade entered the theater, she sat at the piano. She didn't start playing until she jotted down a few lyrics that were stuck in her head. She then started playing with the keys to get the right tune, "Oh my dear friend we are with you to the end. Whether you like it or not we won't let you sit here and rot. You're not just a villain to us you're worth a billion. You're a soul sent from above by the wings of a dove, my dear R-"
She heard the doors slam as someone came in. She jumped thinking it was the person who pranked her again. She peered over the piano to see that it was Stephanie with a boombox.
"this will be the perfect place to practice my choreography."
Jade rolled her eyes and snuck out from the back of the stage. Stephanie blared her boombox and started to dance. Jade couldn't stand the music she was playing. It was some sort of mix of techno and children's songs.
Jade would occasionally tap the top of it to get the song to skip a few times and Stephanie checked it for scratches before putting it back in to play it. This went on for several minutes as Jade kept on tapping the boombox and hiding behind the wall once Stephanie was close enough.
"Ugh! What's going on! I made this CD last night."
Stephanie retreated back home to check on what was wrong with her boombox. Jade gave out a little laugh once Stephanie left the theater.
Once the coast was clear Jade decided to wander around the park until a huge yellow limo almost ran her over the street, "Hey! Watch where you're going you idiot!" She shouted to the guy in the front seat. He rolled down his window and gave her a pearly white smile behind his dark shades, "Hello, I'm Stingy."

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