Meeting the Villain.

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I started to pout and cry fake tears. Robbie's eyes widened, "what are you doing? Stop that?"
"I'm sorry, it's just...I'm new here and I don't even know where to go or what town I'm in. It's been such a stressful morning." I laid a wary hand to my cheek in mock distress.
"You're in LazyTown. How could anyone not know that?"
I stopped my "sobbing" and looked up at him, "You've got to be kidding me?"
"No, I mean it. Ever since Sportaflop came to town all the kids in LazyTown are singing, jumping and making the most horrendous noises.
"And that's awful?" I asked. "Sounds like a lot of fun to me."
Robbie looked at me with a wolffish expression, " a freakish and too cheery sort of way?" I told him. His look softened. Thank God, that look could kill a bunny. I had to stall, I had to keep him talking, "So, who is Sportaflop."
Robbie looked up at me from his work table in unbelief, "you've ever heard of Sportacus?"
"No. I lived in BusyTown."
"That explains it." He said with a chuckle. "You BusyTowners being way to busy to stop and smell the roses."
"Tell me about it. But tell me, who is this Sportacus?"
"He's the town's superhero. He's the one that's gotten the kids to get out and play." He said gritting his teeth.
"Is he the Italian guy with a whisker mustache, clad in all blue?" I asked.
"The one and only. And he's not Italian, he's Icelandic. He's not even human, he's an elf."
I busted out laughing, "you mean that oversized, blue peacock is an elf? I'm sorry, I don't believe you there. You're starting to sound like crazy conspiracy theorist now."
"No, I'm serous. I may be mean but I don't lie."
"Who says you're mean? I mean, you're a bit crass but you're not that mean."
Robbie's tense shoulders eased and looked at me, "Well, you're the first one to say that. Everyone else seems to think so."
"Well, people have a reason to say things. You do seem to not like Sportacus Very much,why?"
"Why?! Because he turned this town in to an active nightmare. LazyTown used to be a place of peace and quiet and then he comes in and makes it loud and obnoxious."
"Whoa, okay now." I held my hands up seeing his agitation. I looked around and sat in his fluffy orange chair. A change of subject was in the air, "So, how long have you been in LazyTown?"
"All my life."
"You've never left?" I asked rocking in his chair.
"No, there's no reason to."
I tilted my head for a second, "Well seeing how much you hate this Sportacus guy, that seems like a legit reason to leave."
"And leave my home? I don't think so I was here first." He turned around seeing her sitting in his favorite chair.
"What are you doing? Did I say you could sit?"
I sat there staring at him, "I'm tired. I'm sure you understand."
Robbie was fuming, hahaa I liked seeing his eyes bug out of his head, "Go back where you came from, you green haired snake in the grass."
"Oh, I'm afraid I can't do that." I said casually.
"Why?! I certainly don't need a rebellious teenager rampaging around in my house!"
"Such words! And how am I rampaging hmm? Do you even know what that looks like?" I stood up. "I could make a wreck of your lab if I wanted to."
"Yeah sure, whatever." He scoffed.
"You want to try me?" I said walking over to his work table.
"Wait!" Robbie shouted, stopping me in my tracks.
"Yes?" I asked turning around and crossing my arms.
"Obviously, you have some sort of angle staying this long in my company. What do you want?"
I looked at him thoughtfully, "I need a place to stay. Not forever, just for a few days until I figure out what to do."
Robbie huffed and slouched in defeat, "Look, I can't let you stay here in the house. I don't even have my own bedroom."
"What? You mean you sleep in that orange thing?" I pointed to the chair.
"Yeah, my house isn't exactly built for company." He shrugged.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know. This place is huge, I thought-"
"Well, I can't just kick you out but, as much as I detest the guy. I know Sportacus will help you. He's better at stuff like this."
I shivered at the thought, "will you come with me?"
"What on earth for?" He asked in exhaustion.
"...I'm sorry okay, I don't exactly trust men. At least not on my own."
"I don't know if you're gender blind or what, but I'm a guy."
"I know that Robbie. I just..."
"I like you. You seem pretty cool and even though we've only known each other a few minutes. I kinda trust you."
"Ugh...enough of the mush. Come on you homeless teen, let's get you a place to stay." He took my hand and we left his house, walking down the lane towards the park. I saw the other kids, all cheery and smiling. I wish I were more like that. More reasons to smile and laugh, but life dealt me a hard blow. Now I just roll with the punches.
~End Jades POV~
Sportacus was playing tag with the kids when he noticed all the kids pause and gasp as Robbie entered the park. He was with that mysterious green haired girl from this morning, "Hey Robbie!" He flipped over to him and Jade looked at him a little startled, "does he always do that?" I asked Robbie.
"You haven't seen anything yet."
"Hi, whose your friend here?" He asked.
"We met this morning, remember?" I reminded him.
"Yes, I know. I just never caught your name."
"Jadis Precious." I reluctantly shook his hand.
"That's a really pretty name." He beamed.
"Thank you. People call me, Jada or Jade for short." I stuck my hands in my pockets, a little overwhelmed by his friendliness.
"Sportaboob, may we talk in private?" Robbie asked Spo.
"Sure." The two men walked a little ways from Jade and talked.
"Jade is in a bit of a situation."
"I know. She came running into town as if her father was going to murder her." He told Robbie.
"Oh, she didn't tell me that. She's reluctant to go back home. The astounding thing is that she asked to stay with me."
"She did?" Spo smiled. "You must be a little happy that some kid has taken a shine to you."
"Yeah, whatever. As you know, I can't let her stay. I have no rooms. I kind of thought maybe you could help her."
"Of course I can. She can stay with me. I have at least one extra room, I can make it up for her."
"Great. I'll go tell her." Robbie returned to Jade. "Sportacrack and I have discussed it and you're staying with him for now."
Her eyes widened, "Do you trust him, Robbie?" The fear in her eyes started him dearly, "I may hate the guys guts but I assure you there's nothing to be afraid of. Spo won't even hurt a fly." Robbie looked at her curiously. "You know, usually people don't trust me."
"I see something good in you, Robbie. That's why I trust you."
Robbie couldn't help but smile, "well, that guy there." He pointed to Spo who was coming up to them slowly, "he's all good. Trust me."

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