Dinner party

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Once Stephanie was finished with her, she looked like a proper lady with her hair done in a half braided ponytail. Sportacus stood up when he saw her, a lump forming in his throat. It was weird feeling, he never felt this way before. It was like he was looking at his own child.
"What?" Jade asked.
"Uhm... Nothing. It's just...I've never seen you like this. You look so ladylike."
Jade blushed a little embarrassed, "Don't get used to it Spo."
Sportacus laughed and offered his arm, "Let's go."
Jade took his arm and looked back at Steph, "Thank you for your help."
"You're welcome. And you can keep that outfit. I never wear it."
"Are you sure."
"Yeah." She giggled. "I'll see you guys there."
"Okay, bye."
Sportacus and Jade left the house and walked towards Stingy's home.
"She did a very good job on you."
"Yes, she did." She smiled.
"Looks like you're actually making friends."
"Yeah. It's weird though, I've never been treated like that by my other friends back home. Everyone there is either too busy or you only see them for a few minutes before they have to be somewhere. It was pretty lonely."
"You must have been on your own a lot."
"Too much."
"Was your father always gone too?"
"Yeah. Always reminded that I should've been a son."
"I'm so sorry, Jade." He wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders.
"It's okay. I'm just-" she looked down at her scarred arms and started getting nervous. "Just happy that I got out of there." She tried playing it cool but Spo was too clever for that. He noticed her arms, none of them fresh thank God.
They arrived at the house and Stingy greeted them at the door, "Good Evening."
"Good Evening. Welcome home."
Jade looked at the guy in front of her, he wore a Ralph Lauren suit and stared at her with interest, "Welcome home rich boy."
Stingy's face frowned at her little snide comment and she smiled and passed by him with Sportacus on his arm.
"That was a bit rude, don't you think?" Spo whispered to her.
"I'm sorry, I think I forgot his name."
"It's Stingy."
"I knew that...sorry I get stupid when I'm nervous."
Sportacus just laughed and met the rest of the guests, Pixel and Ziggy were talking and sitting next to each other. Bessie and Milford were flirting and Trixie stared at her from across the room, she wore a vomit inducing red and yellow ruffled dress. She was seated at the head of the table, Jade passed her hoping it would be easy but of course Trixie made it difficult, "Good evening spinach brain."
Jade stopped in her tracks, "now, Trixie is that proper language at such a lovely dinner party?"
"Like you care about being here...nice dress, you look like a polar bear."
"Like yours is any better. You look like you decided to roll around in ketchup and mustard. Dear Trixie, I don't think it's that kind of party."
"I never knew you could use relish as conditioner."
"Are those real ponytails, dear? Or are you really a three horned demon?"
Trixie finally fumed. Stingy must have noticed for he came to the pair hastily, "Enjoying ourselves are we?" He asked. The girls glared at each other before answering him, "Yes. Trixie was just telling me where she got her gorgeous dress." She said sarcastically.
"Oh, how lovely." Stingy met Trixie's eyes, "Pardon me Trixie, but this seat is reserved for the guest of honor."
"Yes, I know." Trixie was always the guest of honor when it came to his dinner parties but since they were no longer together, Stingy had a different guest in mind.
"Since dear Jade is new here, I thought she would sit with me this time."
Trixie paled and she gave up the seat without protest. Jade looked just as surprised as she did. She watched in a mix of satisfaction and horror as Trixie seated herself with the others. Jade looked back at Stingy who had pulled out her chair for her, Jade's eyes went wide. She sat but stumbled a bit before seating herself properly. Stingy tried to keep the chuckle that bubbled up from his throat at bay. She was cute when flustered. Stingy seated next to her and spoke, "I'm terribly sorry about the short notice, Jade. I really wanted to meet you properly."
And hitting me with your car wasn't enough?" She snipped once she came to her senses. Stingy laughed at her ferocity. It was pretty refreshing to see a lady with a mind of her own and an outspoken heart.
"First of all I almost hit you. Second, I am truly sorry about that."
Jade looked at him a bit surprised, she wasn't used to a male apologizing in regard to her. "You're forgiven." She said simply.
"So, if you don't mind me asking. Where did you come from?"
"Why so far away from home?"
"It's a long story. Horrible father, no friends...I was fed up."
"Good for you." He said almost as if he were proud of her.
Jade stared at him, trying to make out his character. She wasn't sure if she trusted him. She glanced over at Sportacus who had a smug look on his face, teasing her with unspoken words. She playfully scowled at him which only made Sportacus return the silly face.
"So, where are you staying while in LazyTown?" Stingy asked her.
"With that big old blue hawk over there." She said loud enough for Sportacus to hear. The hero only laughed and carried on his own conversation with the other guests.
"With Sportacus? Wow, that must be really fun."
"Yeah. He's a nice guy."
"Yes, he is." Stingy looked her up and down fir a second. "You look beautiful by the way." He said pretty forward. Jade, without thinking let out a small giggle. Stingy seemed to like that reaction from her and smiled.
Oh no, my girl is showing. She thought, Jade tried saving her composure by clearing her throat and sipping from the glass of water that was in front of her.
Stingy snickered at her flustered display, "what? It's true."
"Thank you."

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