I love you.

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Olivia looked a bit surprised, The town was so nice that she never expected for anyone who lived there to have a bad past.
"Why did you run away?" She asked him.
"Jade and I are pretty much alike when it comes to parentage. My father abused me too."
Olivia's curiosity turned to soberness once she heard his words, "I'm so sorry."
Robbie just gave her a thankful nod and looked at her questioning look, "Its okay, Olivia. Whatever you want to ask, I can answer. My past doesn't hurt me anymore."
He smiled.
She nodded, "I just didn't intend for the atmosphere to change so drastically."
"Its okay."
"Why did he do such a thing to you?" She asked. "Where was your mother?"
"My mother was abused too. She didn't know what to do or where to go. The people of LazyTown didn't exactly trust us so we didn't have any friends to defend us. They didn't even know."
"Was he a drunk?"
"Yes, and he hated us when he was drinking. The truth came out from that bottle. My sister and I used to hide mother from him but she always came out to defend us."
"You have a sister?" She asked.
"Yeah, her name is Jenny."
"Where is she?"
"She ran and never came back, but thats a different story for another time."
Olivia rested her chin on her hand and listened intently to him. "When I finally grew up, I was able to defend mother and run him out of the house."
"And your mother?" She asked.
"She's gone...she died peacefully and happily though." He assured her.
Olivia, without realizing reached her hand over and rested it over his. Robbie at first looked a bit surprised and then looked up at her endearingly. She took her hand away and apologized, "Sorry, the mother in me is coming out."
Robbie chuckled and took her hand, "I don't mind."
Jade and Stingy walked hand in hand back home as the day started to end, she laid her head on his shoulder as they walked, "I don't want the day to end."
Stingy's hand gently tightened around hers and directed her back to town, "Lets take a walk then, until the sun goes down."
"Okay." She linked arms with him and they walked about the town. They passed her mothers house and Stingy pulled back before they saw the two walking by.
"What is it?" Jade asked.
"Look." He pointed to the two on the porch talking in the dimming light.
"Aww." She smiled. "They look cute together."
"I knew Robbie liked her."
"What's going to happen when Spo finds out? He likes her too."
"The man has spent a few years loving you, I think he'll be fine."
"I think we should leave them be. I don't want to interrupt them."
"I agree." They left the two and made their way under the Air Ship. Jade shouted for the ladder and it dropped for her. Stingy kissed her before she went up, meeting her father up at the top.
"Hey dad."
"Hey, how was your day?" He asked her.
"It was amazing." Jade said, sitting next to Spo on the edge of his bed. "That's kind of what I wanted to talk to you about."
"Oh? What's going on?" He said turning to her.
"Stingy told me that he loved me today."
Spo smiled knowingly, "I know he did."
"You knew he was going to do this?"
"Yeah. Well, he let it slip the night you ran. He tried to cover it up."
"Why would he try not to say it?"
"I think its because he wanted you to be the first person to know."
Jade tried not to smile, "That is...so sweet."
"How did you react?" He asked her.
"I love him too." She said worriedly.
"Enjoy it, Jade." He said laying a hand on her shoulder. "I know what you're trying to do in that little head of yours." He smiled. "You're trying to make every excuse you can that will convince you that you don't deserve it. Trust me, you really do."
"Where's the protective Dad gone?"
"Well, while you were gone I had a lot of time to think. You're sixteen and you're able to make your own decisions. I'll always be here if you ever need me, I'll be here when things feel like they're falling apart."
"I'm scared." She confessed.
"Scared of what?" He asked.
"What if its not forever?"
He looked at her and draped an arm around her, "Let me tell you a story." He looked at her in the eyes, "A long time ago, before I even had this job. I fell in love."
"You did?"
"I'm a human too. Give me some credit." He playfully nudged her. "Anyway, she and I were inseparable, we did everything together and she even met my parents. We planned on getting married and everything."
"What happened to her?"
"She broke my heart, she was my first love. I found out that she was cheating on me with another guy. The pain was so bad that I thought I was going to die.
"I don't see the bright side of this story."
"Keep listening. Even though what she did was horrible, it taught me a lot about trust and being observant. I'm not saying that your relationship with Stingy is going to end. What I am saying is if it does, take it as a lesson. It will hurt but its part of life, we love and our hearts get broken. You might even break some hearts in the process."
"I wish I knew the future so I wouldn't have to worry."
"If you spend your life worrying, then you'll miss out on enjoying life in front of you."
"I know. I'll try and enjoy the now." Jade thought a moment. "What was her name?"
"Who?" He asked.
"The girl who cheated on you?"
"I want to find her and beat her ass." She joked. Spo laughed at her reply, "Goodnight, Precious."

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