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So the sequel takes place a year after the first one, her hair is starting to fade and isn't as vibrant anymore so her appearance may be a little different now.

Stop it Jade." Spo said, sitting next to her on the train. She was bored and had her legs draped over his lap, occasionally nudging him with her boot.
"Are we there yet?" She asked from under her hat. She was trying not to fall asleep and aggravating her Dad seemed pretty fitting.
"I cant make the train go faster, silly."
"Why couldn't we have taken the airship again?"
"Its not equipped to fly that far away from LazyTown. I need to do some serious detailing in order to do that. Money I don't have sweetheart."
"I know, I was just curious because I forgot." She said smiling under her hat.
"No, you're just bored and you know repeating myself is annoying."
"No, really?" She laughed.
"I'm surprised that Stingy hasn't been texting you like crazy. You've been in Iceland for three weeks."
"He has, he's just been busy taking care of some of his fathers business."
"For a kid his age, he knows his way around a conference room full of men in suits."
"One of his many charms."
Jade and Sportacus decided to take a summer vacation back to Sportacus' home in Iceland. They were now just starting to travel to the airport by train and fly back to LazyTown. She had finally met Spo's mother and father and they welcomed her in with open arms. Robbie was so wrong about Sportacus being an elf, when she mentioned the rumor to him he laughed. He was used to the kids making up stories of him being superhuman with superpowers, it was very amusing. Jade poked him in the side with her boot and he flinched, "Jadis Precious, I swear do it again and ill-"
"You'll what? You and I both know that you couldn't punish me if your life depended on it." She teased.
Spo and Jade's relationship was silly most of the time, they picked on each other constantly and trying to out do each others teasing was a pastime for them. Apparently it was Jade's turn to annoy the crap out of him.
"I'm not that wrapped around your finger. I could take away your phone if i wanted to."
Jade, out of her own amusement took her phone from her pocket and handed it to Spo. He reached for it but of course she quickly yanked her phone away before he could get a hold of it. Spo frowned and looked at her a little too annoyed.
"Aww, Dad you're looking a bit blue." She laughed commenting on his blue suit.
"Yeah, well you're green with envy because I look better in blue than you do."
"And you're blue because you cant pull off green hair."
Spo didn't have a comeback and just sat there looking out the window, watching the land go by, "I'm blue da ba dee da ba da, da ba dee da ba da!" Jade sang out in victory getting Spo to laugh, "You're impossible."
"You love me for it. Don't lie, if I wasn't picking on you then I wouldn't love you."
"Suure." He said sarcastically. Jade sat up a little and straightened out her black Ramones T-shirt. She handed him her song book, "what do you think?"
Spo carefully read her new song and smiled, "Its coming along nicely. You started that one at the beginning of our trip didn't you?"
"Yeah, I have a massive writers block."
"Every time you say that it turns out awesome."
"Thank you." She took the notebook back and laid back down on her seat. She missed home so much. She missed Stephanie and Robbie, especially Stingy, she wished that he could've gone with them but this was a trip for only her and Spo. He wanted her to know a little bit more about him by taking her to his home country. It was beautiful, no wonder they called it the land of fire and ice. No wonder the vikings called that place home, the moment she stepped off the plane she felt as if she had landed on the moon. The glaciers and volcanic geysers and volcanos were the perfect tools to sculpt such a unique land. She loved every minute of it, Grandma Gwen and Grandpa Elijah were a complete delight and gushed over her every second. She had never been so smothered with so much love in her life, they didn't care that she was adopted.
It made her feel right at home too, being so warmly welcomed made it easier to get to know Spo's parents more. But it was finally time to go home and Sportacus could tell she was getting antsy.
"How about you try taking a nap. Once you wake up, we'll probably be there."
"Then i wont be able to sleep on the plane unless I take something."
"Just take a nap. You'll be fine."
"Alright, alright Ill try."
"And stop nudging me with your boots while you're at it."
"Ill think about it."
He patted her on the shin and tried to get some rest himself. He leaned up against the window and closed his eyes, hoping the motion of the train could rock him to sleep.
By the time the train reached its destination, it gave one loud whistle making both of them jump from their sleep.
"What a wake up call. Sheesh." Jade sat up and grabbed her bags and Spo did the same. Her phone went off and she looked down at the screen, "Aww."
"What is it?"
"Looks like the plane isn't going to be as crowded as we thought." She smiled.
Spo didn't exactly know what she was talking about and just carried on, leading her out of the train and into the airport.
"You're going the wrong way, Jade." Her father told her.
"No I'm not. Follow me Ive got a surprise."
They checked in their passports and Spo followed Jade to the terminal, meeting a familiar face along the way, "Stingy!" Jade rushed up to hug her boyfriend happily.
"Hey, sweetie." He hugged her back. "Im here to take you both home."

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