Home sweet home.

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Jade and the boys stepped off of the plane and into the bright sunlight of LazyTown. It was good to finally be home, "Jade! You're back!" She heard Stephanie's bouncy voice coming towards her. Jade hugged her best friend, "I missed you too."
"You're hair is faded." Steph played with the now sage colored locks of her hair.
"I know. Its been a while since I recolored it."
"Are you still going to keep it green?"
"I don't know yet."
The rest of the kids came and welcomed her back home, before Sportacus knew it she was whisked away with her friends and he was left behind.
"I'll be...unpacking our suitcases." He said calling for the ladder and climbing up to his airship.
"Its so nice to have you back. I missed your wise cracks you make at Ms.Busybody." Pixel said.
"And I miss your music." Ziggy piped up.
"Everyone, calm down." She said with a laugh. "I'm here now, no need to get so wound up." She looked over at the sunset. "How about we have a bonfire?"
"That sounds like a great idea." Stingy said. "Everyone, start looking for some loose sticks and paper. Jade and I will get the lighter and marshmallows."
All of them left the park to gather wood and Jade and Stingy went up into the air ship to ask Spo for a lighter, "Dad?" She asked with her voice echoing in the white, pristine room, "Are you here?"
"Yes, I'm here. What's up?"
"Can I borrow a lighter?" She asked.
"What for?" He asked curiously.
"For a bonfire."
"Oh, okay. But I'll come down and help you."
Spo grabbed a lighter and they all headed back down to the park. Even though the kids were now a little older, Sportacus still felt the need to help them out with certain things. Jade and Stingy followed behind and watched as Spo walked as if he were on a mission. Jade couldn't help but laugh a little, "What is so funny?" Stingy asked. Jade took a breath before speaking, "He's going to light a fire but he's walking as if he is about to put one out." She chuckled. Stingy observed Spo and laughed a little too.
"He means business." He whispered.
"What's so funny?" Spo asked, turning around. Jade shook her head.
"Nothing Dad. It's just a pretty night."
Spo looked up at the slowly darkening night sky, "it is isn't it?"
They finally reached the park and Sportacus lit the fire. "Thank you."
"No problem. Just let me know if theres a problem." He told her.
"You'll know before I will." She said tapping on his crystal before he left.
They all sat down at the fire and watched the flames dance around in the dark.
"So how was Iceland, Jade?" Stephanie asked.
"It was amazing. They have glaciers and volcanoes. The people there actually bathe in the hot springs. Spo and I went to the Blue Lagoon and the water is a pale blue color. Its filled with so many minerals that you can just take the mud from the bottom and give yourself a facial."
"That's amazing."
"Sounds gross to me." Trixie said sitting down among her friends.
"Hello Trixie, dear." Jade said poking a bit of fun at her.
"Hello cupcake." Trixie said sarcastically.
Jade and Trixie had a very weird relationship, they didn't hate each other but Trixie did her best to hide her fondness for Jade. They were a lot alike in many ways but Trixie didn't want to let Jade know that the bad blood was over.
On the other hand Jade already knew that there was no longer any bad blood between them, she just liked to see how far she could get with her until she broke.
"Did you tell Robbie that you came home? He's been missing you terribly."
"Oh, my God. I cant believe I forgot about him." Jade said gripping her hair slightly. Stingy took her hand, "I'm sure he'll understand, jade."
"No, we have to go now. I have to see him." Jade stood, leaving with Stingy behind her.
"Don't you think that he'd be asleep at this time of night?"
"No, he's probably riddled with worry." She said walking down the path. "How could i just forget about father number 2?"
"Hey." Stingy stopped her and took her hands in his. "You just got home and your friends immediately demanded your attention. Forgetting something or someone is bound to happen in an overwhelming situation." He said touching foreheads with her.
"Yes, but he's my father...one of them but he's equally as loved and cherished."
"And I'm sure he knows that, darling."
"I'm sure you're right. I just don't want to mess up something so good."
"Trust me, you didn't."
They reached the pipe and she opened the chute, sliding down to his home, "Robbie! I'm so sorry." She said before noticing that he was working on something. Robbie scrambled to cover it up and then he approached her.
"Jada! i missed you so much!" He said giving her a huge tight hug.
"I missed you too. I didn't mean to forget you. I'm so sorry."
"That's okay, I was working on something all day long." Robbie said wiping the sweat off of his brow. Jade looked over at the mysterious object covered in a greased, white sheet.
"What is it? Can i see?" She asked curiously.
"Yes." He ripped away the sheet to reveal a neon green motorbike that lit up at the bottom. "It is for you anyway."
Jade looked at him awestruck, "This is for me?"
"Yeah, i thought since you're going to learn how to drive soon, you might want to learn on something you'd like."
"This is beautiful, Robbie. Thank you." She swung her leg over and sat down in the drivers seat. "You made this?"
"Yeah, dont worry i checked it like fifteen times before showing you. There's nothing wonky going on with it. Safe to drive."
"'This is going to be so much fun."

LazyTown: Seeing Green 2. Where stories live. Discover now