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It didn't take too long for Jade's motor bike to run out of gas, a less than half full tank took her only half a mile away from LazyTown. "No, no no!" She cursed as she started to slow down on the road. She steered the bike to the side of the road and looked up at the sky, "why couldn't this have been easy?!" She screamed. She continued her journey by walking, she didn't know where she was going but she didn't care, she needed to get away. It wasn't long until she spotted Stingy's car roaming the street. She ducked into a patch of woods before she could be seen. As he passed by, she could see the look on his face. He was crying. Jade felt a stabbing sensation in her chest, why did she run in the first place?
"What the hell are you doing, Jade?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(bear with me I have writers block)
Spo zipped through the clouds in his airship with Olivia holding onto the back of the pilots seat to keep from being tossed to and fro.
"Easy, Sportacus." She said, trying to break him from his determined gaze. The look on his face shown that he really loved Jade.
"I should've listened to her." He spoke. "I was too fixated on yo-" he caught himself. "Your presence in LazyTown. I wanted you to feel welcome that I didn't-"
"It's okay, I understand. She couldn't have  gotten far."
"Robbie said he heard the motorbike so look for neon green."
"Okay." Olivia searched the land below. "Sportacus, look." She pointed to the green motor bike she had been riding earlier. Sportacus lowered the ship and shouted for the ladder, "you'll have to go down and find her."
"Why can't we both?"
"I have to park the ship where there's no air traffic so I'll be a while. Plus, she really needs to talk to you, she may not realize it but she does."
Olivia nodded and climbed down the ladder gingerly, she then landed and started looking for her daughter, "Jade! Jade, please come back!" She started to wander into the woods with a feeling in the pit of her gut.
"Jade, please!" Olivia cried. "You have everyone worried, the whole town is looking for you!"
Jade crouched near a tree hiding behind the brush. She stopped and listened to her mother, "you don't know my side of the story, Jade. You don't know how hard I tried to get you out of that house."
Jade froze and let her talk  further. Olivia glanced at the moving brush and pretended not to spot her, "I know you're here Jade. Lease listen to me, you father threw me out of the house. I didn't leave because I wanted, every day after I was thrown out I fought to get you out of that house. Countless times I fought your father for custody and he won each time because he was a very persuasive person. He even has a restraining order against me so I could never see you. But I watched you, everyday when you went to school and as you grew up."
Jade's eyes shined with tears as she listened, how could she believe her?
"Do you remember when our father wouldn't send you to school with lunch? I was the lunch lady that fed you everyday. I got a job at the school just to see you." She started to cry. "Jade, I know you'll probably never believe me but I love you. I've done everything to get to you and this is the closest I've ever been to you. I moved here when I heard you were living here. All of it was for you."
Jade stood from her hiding spot and looked at her mothers tear stricken face, "were you really that kind woman in my lunchroom?" She asked.
"Yes, Jade. I was, I even slipped in a few sandwiches in your backpack to make sure you were fed after you went home."
Jade looked at her flabbergasted, "Oh, my God that was you?" She asked, trying not to cry.
"I remember that face, when the kids made fun of you and you couldn't take it anymore." She stroked her daughters hair. "You tried not to feel and you swallowed your tears to keep them from seeing you weak."
Jade nodded and looked down, "I'm sorry."
"No, no. Darling, this isn't your fault. Among the many people your father persuaded, he probably did the same to you."
"He hated you. What did he want with me? He hated me too." She cried.
"I don't know, sweetheart. I wish I knew that too. I think it might have been because he liked to see me suffer, knowing he had separated us both."
Sportacus finally entered the woods and witnessed the sight, "Are we ready to go home?" He asked, smiling. Jade looked at Spo apologetically. He only smiled bigger and opened his arms, "Come here, precious." She hugged him and he playfully smacked her on the shoulder, "that's for running away."
"You're not mad at me?"
"I was but then I heard you guys talking, I think you've gone though enough today." He kissed the top of her head. "Lets get home and let everyone know you're okay."
"My motorbike?"
"I've got it and you're grounded from it."
"See, I knew there was a catch." They all boarded the ship and returned to LazyTown. Robbie was waiting at the park with everyone else, scanning the sky for the ship. Stingy sat next to Robbie, waiting for his girlfriends return, "why would she do such a thing?" He asked Robbie angrily.
"She felt like no one was listening to her, all of us including you gave Olivia the benefit of the doubt without hearing Jade's story first."
"That still doesn't give her the right to run away. We love her, why would she resort to something so extreme?"
"She was scared, Stingy."
The ship hovered over them, casting a dark but relieving familiar shadow, "she's back." Robbie and Stingy jumped from their seats and approached the ship, watching the three of them climb down from the ship, "Jade, are you alright?" Robbie asked, hugging her tightly.
"Yes, I'm okay."
"Don't ever do that again."
"I wont I promise." She said looking at Stingy who was giving her an awful look of disappointment. The rest of the family left the two of them to talk and she looked at her boyfriend apologetically.
"You didn't have to run, you know."
"It just felt like no one believed me, it was stupid and wrong. I made everyone worried sick and it was immature-"
"You're right, it was. It tore me apart when I found out you ran."
"I'm sorry."
Stingy crossed his arms and shook his head, "Its going to take more than sorry to fix this, Jade. You refused to trust me and left me, did you even think about how I would feel?" He asked.
"You were being selfish, Jade."
"I know. Please believe me when I say I'm truly and whole heartedly sorry."
Stingy just scoffed at her and walked away, he was too angry to talk for the moment. Jade stood there in tears and climbed up the ladder to the ship, hiding away from everyone.

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