Life's a beach.

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Stingy walked back into the salon with two coffees in hand, he walked back to the station and sat down. He spotted the stylist that was working on his girlfriend, "Excuse me, is Jade in the washroom?" He asked.
"Yes, her process is done and shes getting her hair clean. She'll be out in a few minutes."
Stingy patiently waited, observing the environment around him. The air smelled of acetone and lightener. What reason did women have to go to great lengths for beauty? He was thankful for Jade, really. She was a very simple woman, the only thing that was extreme was her hair. She hardly wore makeup and if she did, it wasn't much.
Jade came back to the station and Stingy looked at her endearingly, "Hello Darling."
"Stop it with your Dick Van Dyke self." She teased.
Stingy laughed and set he coffee in her hands. She sipped it as the stylist started flowing out her hair, "That looks gorgeous, Jade." Stingy said seeing the frosty blonde and red locks flying in the heated air.
"Thank you." She smiled.
Once her hair was finally dry she was turned around to face Stingy, "Perfect."
"Do you really like it?" She asked.
"Yes, its lady like and rock star." He took her hand. "Lets go.
The left the salon and climbed into his car to set off on their date.
"So, where are you taking me?" She asked.
"We are going to the beach."
"Oh? And what are we going to do there?"
"You dont like surprises, do you?"
"I'm just curious." She shrugged.
"I thought we'd hang out at the beach all day. What do you think?"
"I like it. Nothing flash?"
"No, nothing...flash? What is flash?" He asked a little curious.
"Its British lingo. You know, flashy?"
"Ugh...I'm dating a Tumblr child." He teased.
"Eww! Tumblr? How dare you compare me to them." She playfully slapped his arm. Stingy pulled into the beach and they both got out of the car. Stingy went round an I and opened the trunk. "Come and help me, dear."
"Pillows and blankets? What? Are we going to have a Pinterest date?" She joked.
Stingy pretended to be insulted and hit her with a pillow. "I am not a Pinterest girl."
"And i am not a Tumblr child." She hit him back with her pillow. They both started running towards the beach, arms full of what he had in the trunk. They plopped down onto the white sand, sifting through the items that were now strewn about the beach.
"Help me pitch the tent."
"The what? All i see is a bunch of scarves and pillows. Are you a secret belly dancer?" She laughed.
"Come on, please?" He asked.
"Fine." She stood up and helped pitch the tent of knotted scarves and set pillows on the inside. "Its cute." She said climbing in.
"You were right." He said climbing in after her. "I am a Pinterest girl." He laughed.
"I knew it!" She cuddled him as they listened to the comforting and easy waves.
Jade laid her head on his chest, listening to his steady and content heartbeat. He ran his hands through her long, newly blonde hair. It was soft and smelled of rose water and vanilla.
"You hungry?" He asked her. Jade shook her head and happily sighed.
"I'm fine right now." Silence made the sea sing its lament to the shore. "Why me?"
She asked spontaneously. Stingy looked at her in astonishment, "What do you mean, why you?"
"What made you choose me, of all people?" She asked.
"Where's this coming from?" He asked looking down at her smiling face.
"I just want to know, thats all."
"Is this a test?" He asked. Jade rolled her eyes and giggled.
"Yes, now tell me, why me?"
"Well..." he thought a moment. "You are incredibly talented, gorgeous, you make me laugh with your tough girl facade..."
"Yes, you act tough to make sure you protect the real you. You don't like to be known as a typical girl that does what everyone else does. You have to stand out."
"You're also a humble person. Something I longed for in someone for a long time."
"What else?" She looked at him with sparkling eyes, full of adoration for him.
Stingy smiled and ran out of the tent and into the sea.
"Hey!" She chased after him and jumped on his back. "You cant run away from me, you know that. I'm faster and more stealthy."
"Yes, you are!" He caught her in his arms.
"What are you running from?" She asked, cradled in his arms.
"I just thought it would be more romantic over here than in there to tell you."
"Tell me what?"
Stingy set her on her feet and looked down at her, "That I love you."
"Really?" She asked.
"Yes, of course I do." He chuckled.
Jade was speechless, the three words felt as if it made her lighter than air, "I love you too."

LazyTown: Seeing Green 2. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat