Maid to a vampier

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"Come on Luna you can do this". A few years ago humans did not know vampires existed, that was until one day, a group of 7 vampires now known as pure bloods entered the main city Seoul. The government soon found out about this and took action, they approached them formally. After a long conversation with the vampires agreed that no human would be harmed on the condition that they were treated like royalty and provided blood bags from dead people. I now work as a maid for one of these vampires, his name is jeon jungkook, even though I have to call him master his really sweet unless his pissed of then you don't want to be near him but other than that he is a really nice master.

However lately his been kind of.... possessive, of me in particular, it's not that bad just odd things here and there like I can't serve when his friends are here or he refuses to let me go out after 7:00 because it's 'dangerous'.

Today his friends are coming to visit again but this time most of his other maids have become ill and can't work so he had no choice but to let me serve him and his friends, which he wasn't too happy about for some reason.

I am currently setting the dinner table with some other of his maids while master and his friends are gathered in the living room, when "Luna could you bring us some more wine!" Was heard. I took the bottle out from the bucket of ice and took it to the room "here you are master" I said with a small smile while filling each glass.

I couldn't help but notice masters eyes on me along with every one else's which I don't think master liked that much. "Hey there princess" I heard jimin's voice to my right, I looked in his direction and instantly regretted it there was jimin looking at me as if he was planning to devour me.

 "Hey there princess" I heard jimin's voice to my right, I looked in his direction and instantly regretted it there was jimin looking at me as if he was planning to devour me

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Would you like something mr.park?" I asked playing the dumb act to his actions "would you be able to provide what I wish?" I tilled my head acting innocent "what would you like then?" I asked "Luna! Come here." Master spoke I could tell by his voice he wasn't impressed, I turned to look at him "y-yes master?" I asked making eye contact with him "my office now, wait for me there" I gulped and bowed "yes master" I placed the bottle down on the table and headed upstairs to his office and waited.

After around an hour I heard the door open an close, footsteps inched there way towards me before stopping directly behind me, he was so close that I could feel his breath by my ear "didn't I tell you to ignore them?" He asked snaking his arms around me. "Sorry d-did I disappoint you master?" His grip on me got tighter "yes indeed you did however i'll let it go this once understand?" I looked down at my feet "y-yes master" he kissed my neck before whispering "good girl" he let go and walked towards his desk. All I wanted to do was get out of that room but I couldn't without his permission. He lifted his head and looked at me with a smirk because of my obedience, but I continued to look down. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in" he sounded annoyed, I heard the door open and I could tell by the look on jungkook's face that he was not happy to see the person at the door

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

"Come in" he sounded annoyed, I heard the door open and I could tell by the look on jungkook's face that he was not happy to see the person at the door.

I heard footsteps, telling me the person had progressed into the room "hello again princess" just by his voice I could already tell it was jimin 'fuck' "piss off jimin" jungkook glared at him "that's no way to speak to your hyung now is it?" Jimin teased. Jungkook smashed his hand on his desk creating a loud bang that echoed around the hole room making me flinch "Luna you are dismissed" he looked at me I just bowed and headed out, a hand caught my wrist pulling me to his chest "why does she have to leave? Do you not want me to be near her or something? You let us play with your other maids and this one is never around so why is she so special?" Jimin questioned pulling me closer to his chest "ummm mr.park could you let me go I should leave like master asked" I put my hands on his and tried pushing them off but they wouldn't budge.

Jungkook stud up from his desk walking towards us until he was in front of me. His eyes had gained a red tint to his eyes "let her go Jimin" he said in a warning tone. Jimin reluctantly unwrapped his arms around my waist, I walked towards the door before being stopped once again "Luna come back" master spoke, I turned around and walked up to him "y-yes master" he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to his chest 'am I ever getting out of this room?' I asked myself "Jimin I'm sure you and the boys know the way out" jungkook spoke.

Jimin gave out a big sigh before exiting the room. "You are such a good girl for your master aren't you?" He whispered into my ear "what do you mean master?" He just smirked "you are so.... beautiful aren't you kitten?" I looked up at him and tilted my head to the side. He looked back at me before rolling his eyes "you really are so innocent, listen you are mine I own you remember that" I looked back down "I'm not an object master I'm a worker" I spoke in a timid voice his grip got incredibly tight "you are mine and you will be forever there is no stopping that I will claim you as many times as it takes until you give in to me and love me back!"

----time skip to a week later----

Jungkook still let me work in the house but I soon noticed that in every room I worked in he was there.

I walked into the living room as I was now on brake and I could just relax. I sat down on the sofa placed in the centre of the room and picked up my favourite book and began reading, "hello kitten (favourite book) again I see why do you choose to sit in here?" I looked up from my book to see jungkook sat beside me "what do you mean master?" He gave out a light chuckle "there are many rooms in this house but you always end up in this room when you read is there a reason?" I thought for a moment before answering "no not really master, I suppose I just find it calmer in here" he lifted his arm and placed it on my shoulder before pulling me towards him.

Possessive vampire (jungkook x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें