Your Quirk(s)!

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Izuku Midoriya

Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Quirk: Water Generator
Description: Your quirk is called Water Generator. It gives you the ability to generate or regenerate water out of anything solid. Say for example, you want to summon water in an alley way and you touch the side of a building. Depending on how much water you want to create, the more the building disappears. If you only wanted to summon 3 gallons of water, there would only be a 5 foot hole in the building. Once you have water, you can solidify it to any weapon you wish. It won't be ice, however. It'll look more like blue crystals.
Drawbacks: It can only be weapons though. This quirk takes a lot of hydration to make, so you took it upon yourself to always drink 2 gallons of water a day, ever since you were a child.

💥Katsuki Bakugo💥
Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Quirk: Night Time Terrors
Description: Your quirk is Night Time Terrors. When you activate this quirk, your irises flash a magenta pink as your hands have the same color light surrounding them. Once your target has made eye contact with you, their irises flash pink as well, but stay pink as long as their under your control. After they regain their vision, their worst fears/nightmares play out in front of them. It gives you plenty of time to capture them or have them surrender without any violence necessary. It works best in the night, as your eyes glow, attracting their attention to your eyes.
Drawbacks: It might not be as affective in daylight. Also, the time limit you have on this quirk is 5 minutes max. Any longer, and their nightmares fade away or you start to cry blood.

Shouto Todoroki🔥
Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Quirk: Cold Blood Creation
Description: Cold Blood Creation allows you to create anything from your cold blood, which turns into ice once it's completely formed. It could be from an animal, to a weapon, or even something like Iida's engines on the back of his legs.
Drawbacks: When you create these things, the ice isn't blue; it's red. Mostly because it takes cold blood to make these creations. Whenever you use this, you have to cut your right palm in order to let your blood out. It can never be your left. You would lose blood, but you seal the wound after your creation comes to life. However, it still hurts and makes you dizzy depending on how much you make. You also have special band-aids that regenerate your blood for you, but if you don't have anymore and you can't get some in time, you have to get blood from your father.

💙Tenya Iida💙
Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Quirks: Elemental Style/Protection Bearier™ ((I'm spelling it wrong on purpose))
Description 1: One of your quirks is called elemental style. This allows you to use any of these five elements; Fire, Water, Earth, Lighting and Air. You only have a few moves of Air, Lightning and Earth. You only have 2 moves with fire, so you rarely use it. And you NEVER use water. Not because you don't have anything to use it for, but because you only know one move and it's EXTREMELY dangerous.
Drawback: Your energy drains everytime you use it, depending on how big the move is.
Description 2: Protection Bearier™ turns your irises black with a light blue star in the middle when in use. You can create a light blue defense barrier as big as you need it to be. Also, when this quirk is in use, you develop blue, fluffy bear ears and tail, along with sharp teeth like a bear. The white around your eyes also turn black, making the light blue stars the only thing people see when they make eye contact with you.
Drawbacks 2: The bigger an impact hits your barrier, the bigger the pain you feel in your eyes. This causes risks of deactivating the quirk. However, you use this one the most.

Eijirou Kirishima
Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Quirk: Devil's Resurrection
Description: Devil's Resurrection is a scary quirk; almost villainous. This quirk allows you to summon flames around both you and your target(s). Once the flames completed forming around the two of you (could be more), a dome appears to make sure they don't escape. The flames rise, making it impossible for outsiders to see what's going on. The dome also creates an illusion for the oppent to catch a glimpse of what hell is like. As a bonus, this quirk allows you to grow wings and horns of a devil.
Drawback: Your skin burns like crazy on the inside. You have to train it constantly in order to get used to the pain. Another drawback is that the bigger the dome is, the longer the burning sensation lasts. However, this only applies to the use of the fire, not the wings & horns.

Denki Kaminari
Name: (Y/N) (L/N)
Quirk: Air Pressure
Description: Air Pressure is a quirk where you can manipulate the air however you want with as much force as you want. This requires a lot of muscle in the arms and legs. You can either slash air to a target, shoot it out of your palms, or apply it under your feet, giving you a boost in speed. You can also control the air's direction, length and width.
Drawback: Your own air supply is limited during the time you activate your quirk. If you use it too much in one day, you could accidently cut off your own air consumption and pass out.

Word Count💕: 1,024

These are going to be your quirks for each scenario! To be honest, these just came into my mind. The only one I had actual time to think of and carefully plan was one of the quirks in Iida's scenario. If you wish to use PROTECTION BEARIER™, please credit me. I worked so hard into making it.

Other than that, I hope you enjoy my story! 😄


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