• Twenty Two •

Start from the beginning

"You were free and relaxed, if I remember correctly" Taehyung laughs lightheartedly. "You should take Jimin up on his offer to hang out with us more. You're not the nerd we all thought you were"

Gently, I slap his chest and attempt to push away from him, his arms brace and bring me back to being flush against him. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, Namjoon is the nerd"

This time it's my turn to hum but in agreement. We relax in each other's embrace, content with a hint of unspoken words drifting in the air.

"Nari, baby," He speaks up after five minutes of silence, "do you want to do something today?"

"I have an article to write"

"Spend the day with me and the boys, then write your article, please" He begs.

I sigh and move away from him, a small gap between us now, "I don't know, I've not even made a start on it"

"Please" He tries again.





"Stop interrupting me dammit!" I snap and push him a little harder than originally anticipated.

"Nari!" He shouts whilst falling off the bed, landing with a bang.

"Oops" I wince and crawl to the edge of the bed to see if he's okay. "Tae?" My eyes and the tip of my nose peak over the bed. His limbs are a tangled mess but he says nothing. His eyes doing all the talking. He's furious, all I do is injure him, I swear.

"Nari," he begins sternly, "you're spending the day with us. If you say no, I'm tying you to the fûcking bed"

"Kinky" As if that just slipped out of my mouth.

"I'll make sure it is" He smirks and then sits up, adjusting his disheveled hair, while subtly rubbing the bump on his head.

"My head hurts" I whimper.

"How do you think I feel!?" He shouts and I grimace. A migraine banging around my skull.

"Please don't shou-" Im stopped when the bedroom door smacks the wall, Jimin barging in. My eyes trail the water droplets streaming down his torso, soaking his towel that hangs barely around his thin waist. 

"What happened?!" Why is everyone shouting this morning? I groan. "Tae why are you on the floor? Are you okay?" He diverts his attention to me. "And good morning baby, have a nice sleep?"

"Jimin" Taehyung stands, jaw visibly flexing.

"Yeah yeah shut up, Im talking to Nari" He wafts Taehyung off like a minuscule fly, buzzing around, an irritation. Ah finally, someone who sees Kim Taehyung in the same light as me. "How did you sleep?" He asks me, moving to sit on the edge of the bed.

"Not too bad, you?"

"Would've been better if I had you next to me but you were otherwise engaged" He winks and motions over to the agitated boy.

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