A thing you should know

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I can get mad over little things easily.
When you're not around, I'm mad.
You're not replying my message as fast as I do, I'm mad.
it's not the mad that you thought,
it's kind of.. cranky.

Each day passes, the more this feeling grows. The only thing that I wanted to do is to be with you, to spend every second in every day only with you.
Just say that I'm selfish, I really am.
We don't really have to meet, we don't really have to hold hands
just a talk, a deep conversation, with a little joke in it. Just one or two new thing that I know about you, just how I know what are your favorites without asking because you already told it yourself.

Just say that I'm selfish,
because all I wanted was you, a person like you,
and after all this time that I finally found you.
That is why I always want to keep you,
in my arms
and I never have a thought to let you go.

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