I already know.

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I already know that we are wrong, that we are not meant to be,
I already know that things will not working as much as we wanted, as much as I wanted.

But, I really am, didn't know why I have so much faith in you, in us. I've putted so much hopes, in hope you will see it too.

I know when the day you came to me, and thought that you will find something new that you never seen in someone else but I just turned out to be that someone that you hate. To be kind of person that you avoid.

The person who likes you,
who adores you,
a lot.

You've spent days to months and to years to avoid this stupid thing called falling in love, but I just turned out to break the rules. I should've known that I don't have to look into your eyes and falling so deep into you that night.

I already know that this day will happen,
the day that we finally separated,
and I am here, questioning why.

Am I wrong for loving you?

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