I found myself depressed, today. 01

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I locked myself in the darkest version of my room.
I hold my phone and shaking, in madness. I'm insane, they said.
The thoughts about how people would react towards your existence and knowing that it's not as much as your expectations are killing you, most of times.

The moment when you try to fix anything that you did in a wrong way, but some people just don't give you any chance, is killing you too.

And then, that insecurities come again.
It attacks your mind first, saying that you are useless and reminding you of things that you afraid that everyone will know.
And after it attack your mind, it will lead itself to attack your heart.

I can't thinking straight when this thing comes, I always find myself standing in a big and dark room with a mirror on it. Crying, bleeding, and depressed.
The moment when you can't hold yourself and those voices that saying that you are a failure, you will automatically hurt yourself.

" Today, I'm standing in front of my mirror. I cut my hair roughly without caring if I would looked ugly. The thing is, if I can just cut my head with a scissor and die immediately, I will. "

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