Rain in the fourteenth day of January.

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Oh, and it's raining again. Where the others are trying to get some proper sleep and warm stuffs, I decided to take some hot chocolate with the marshmallows on its top, while listening into Paul Anka's song, Put Your Head On My Shoulder.

And suddenly...
the voices in my head say something.

" I had loved you since the first time you said that we have lots of similarities.
I had loved you since you came with a heavy breath, and said that you are such a failure.
I had loved you since our very first coffee date, since the very first time I realized that we both are a lame joker. I had loved you since you hold my hand, plays with my hair and said to me that everything is going to be alright as long as I believe in faith, and as long as I have you by my side.
I had loved you since forever, since you weren't care about me at all. Since the time that you're still looking for the other shoulder to lean on.
I had loved you for all of your flaws and I will always be in love, with you. "

While I imagining your face.

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