A question. 1

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" Have you ever taught yourself to be happy? instead of spreading positivity to everyone else, why don't you start it with yourself first? "

ㅡ Truthfully saying, the only and the most useful thing to make me being positive and happy about myself is to spread the positivities and the good words that I have to build slash rising up other people's pride and ambition. For me, myself, being happy is not how you fill your heart with things that you do to yourself. Such as going to the saloon, watching cool movies and stuffs.
Even if it makes you happy, let me define you what is the actual happy version of me.

In the moment I make someone is happy again, in the moment I typed a long words to cheers people, in the moment I tell them that they're beautiful.

Seeing their reactions are the ones that makes me fully happy inside out.

A question number one, what is the thing that makes your heart truly full?

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