Don't you ever try to please society

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"Why are you wearing glasses like that you look like a stupid."
"What happened to your clothes why are you always wearing that one? you don't have money to buy a new one?"
"Poor you!"
"Seriously, you look like a freak."
"Why you still use that phone? That's old already!"
"Don't talk that way, you're way too different from us!"

Those words are only a part of the thousand insults I have heard.
And after I'm tired with that, I sit and thinking

"How to even please them? the society? how to be always great in their eyes?"

I started remove my glass everytime I take a photo, says good words on social media just to looked nice, nagging my parents to but me a new phone that most of my friends have, changing my clothes. I changed this and that just to please them, just to make and have friends, in thought that "I wish that I could be like the cool kids." without realizing that actually, I changed the old version of me, the old me that full of peace, full of good books and slow melodies.

I always find myself in a different version of me.
Stupid, kind, temperamental, bitchy, and weird. Just in a label to please the society so I will be looked as a perfect or at least, a good person.

And now, I'm sitting again and realizing that I'm wasted.
I waste the couple of years in my life just to changing myself, to find the real me, I said.
But, I'm totally wrong. What I did all this times was just to please society that don't even care about how depressed I can be.

Please take a note that, the only way to find the real you is,
Pray to God, and follow your heart.

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