They had reached the airport within 15 minutes, instead of 30minutes, all thanks to Jared and his racer like driving. He had no idea what he was doing at an international airport with absolutely no luggage, passport or his visa. 

                    "Oh! you guys are already here. Sorry, for being late, sick traffic today. Thanks a lot, Jared. Hope to see you soon. We have rush inside now. Come on, Kay. Bye Jared." 

                      He knew it! He just knew it. The mastermind behind all this had to be her. The cunning little vixen had planned it all along to kidnap him. 

                       "Baby, you didn't have to kidnap me like this. If you wanted to get away and do naughty things to me, you should have just told me, I would have let you do this at home as well." Kayden said putting his hand around her shoulder and pulling her close to him as they walked inside the airport.

                  "Kay, as long as you don't want your butt kicked in front of all these people who are snapping our pictures, just smile and stop saying such perverted things." Miracle kept a tight smile on her face, dragging their luggage along with her and waving at the people who were busy snapping pictures on their phone. The life of a multi-billionaire/author couple wasn't that easy. 


                            "So, where are we going? What about my luggage? How long are we going to stay at that place? What about my office? What about work? Where did you find my passport and visa? How did you know where i had kept them? Are you a spy as well?-" Kayden kept ranting on and on while Miracle kept yawning, waiting for him to finish asking all the questions, so she could answer them one by one. She waited for more to come, but they never came.

                      "Are you done with your questions?" she asked, placing her head on his shoulder as he nodded a yes. 

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