Chapter 14

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I am Tris, a factionless, sixteen year old girl.

I have repeated this sentence to myself over and over again, I don't know exactly what I am trying to accomplish by it though.

Tobias has been telling me many stories about my past, but it doesn't sound like me at all. This Tris is a completely different person from Beatrice Prior, the quiet girl from Abnegation. Tris is a strong independent women, whom is capable of fighting her own battles. Beatrice uses words over fists.

I do not feel like Tris, nor do I ever believe that I will. But, every time I look at Tobias, I want to remember. I want to remember being strong and brave, I want to remember him. I run my fingers over the scar on my forehead for the millionth time. It is the only physical proof that I was Tris and that I can be her again.

Tobias said that we can leave Marcus's house today. He always gets this scared look in his eyes whenever he mentions him, I don't know why. Marcus is a highly respected and caring leader of the city, how can anyone hate him?

Tobias comes by to tell me that it is time to go, I take my time leaving the room. For the past day this has been my safe haven, now I must leave it behind.

I must be taking too long because Tobias comes back, urging me to leave. To stall time, I tell him that I have to urgently use the bathroom. "You can use it later, I've spent enough time in this damn house, we need to leave now." His tone is urgent and pleading.

"Fine." I reply, a hint of hostility works it's way into my tone, what kind of a boy won't allow his supposed 'girlfriend' to use the restroom? None the less I follow him out the door, thanking Marcus for his hospitality. Tobias does not say a word.

When we are far away from the house I decide to work up the nerve to ask, "Why didn't you thank Marcus? You were very rude to both him and I." Tobias rolls his eyes, "It's a long story from my wonderful childhood." I can tell that this is a touchy subject and decide to drop it for now.

"So," Tobias begins "since you don't remember us, I figured that maybe we should, you know..."

"Tobias, are you trying to ask me out on a date?" His cheeks flush a bright red and he begins to rub the back of his neck with his hand. "Because if you are, the answer is yes." I continue. Tobias looks both surprised and happy at the same time.

Even though I only remember knowing him for a day, I can tell that he is not happy often.

"I know the perfect place." He says with a smile.


Please comment and vote! Pole: Should I add Peter info the mix?

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