Chapter 5

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I wake up in a dark room, that smells of dust and mold. My mind buzzes with a million thoughts. I try to stand, but realize that I am bound to a heavy, wooden chair. I can't scream due to gag in my mouth, I am helpless.

I attempt to keep my heart rate steady, but as the nature of my position seeps in, my entire body tenses up. A bright light is turned on above my head. I can feel my heart beat in my ears as the silhouette of a person lurks in the shadows. "Remove the gag" snaps a sharp, harsh voice. A rather young factionless girl removed the gag from my mouth, and mouths the word sorry. She then backs off into the shadows again.

"I don't like you." Says the harsh voice. "You obviously don't have great manners, what, did you grow up in Candor?" I spit out, masking the fear in my voice. "No, but you do learn a thing or two in Abnegation." The women steps closer, and I am not shocked to find Evelyn standing before me. "Why am I here, where is Tobias." I demand. "He thinks that you are upset with him, and if you want to live it will stay that way. Here's the plan, you will ask him to take a walk, and then break up with him." "Never" I say with a low growl in my voice. Who on earth is this women to tell me to end anything with Tobias? "Fine." She snaps her fingers and the young girl appears again, with a rusted knife in her hand. Shakily she brings it up to my throat, I tilt my head back. "Now unless you want me to do a little, trimming, you will end things with my son." "Do you really think I care if you kill me?" I say, although the falter of fear in my words is evident. "Ahh, and there is that Abnegation. I'll tell you why you would rather dump Tobias then die. You know that your death will hurt him more then anyone else. You wouldn't have the guts to risk hurting him." I swallow, the girl removes the knife from my throat. Evelyn is right, dumping Tobias would hurt him, but dying would scar him for life. My silence must be what she is looking for, because Evelyn smiles. It is cruel and twisted. "I think we are done here." She snarls. The girl takes a cloth and covers my mouth, the world fall into blackness once more.


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