Chapter 4

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I can't believe it. In front if me, stands Evelyn Eaton, Tobias's mother. She was supposed to be dead, I even attended her funeral. I am in pure shock. Tobuas doesn't seem surprised though, and that slightly angers me. I have told him everything, no matter how small, and he doesn't tell me that his mother is alive? I let my hand fall out of his. I try to ignore the cold feeling of not being in contact with him, but unfortunately, I love him.

The awkward silence seems to consume the room. I feel cold in its unwanted presence. Finally Tobias says, "We should go find cots, and... Set up." His voice sounds small and strained, like a child's. He turns on his heel, and I follow him out the door.


Instead of joining the rest of the factionless down stairs, we make up way up to the top floor. My legs burn by the time we reach the 46 th floor. Like all of the other floors, this one consists of narrow hallways with peeling paint and dim light. I follow Tobias to the last door on the right. He opens it to reveal a small room. Perfectly preserved with a thick layer of dust. I cough as Tobias runs his hand over the old, faded blue couch, releasing a cloud of dust and dirt.

For the next few hours we clean out the room of dust and dirt. We don't talk at all. Finally I work up the nerve to ask, "How long did you know." "A year" he croaks out. "And you never bothered to tell me that your mother was alive?" I am almost yelling. "It never came up, it's just that..." But I don't let him finish. I storm out and slam the door. With tears running down my face I run until I find a dark room. Quietly I sob.

When I am done crying I just sit and think in the silence. I hear whispers suddenly, they are close. I can feel a warm breath on the back of my neck. I feel something cover my mouth, and then the world goes black.


Hope you all enjoyed! Please remember to review and comment. :-)

If you like my stories, I highly recommend reading my friends book. It's called What if (Divergent no war).

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