Chapter 13

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I wake up unable to move any of my limbs. My head feels like someone is repeatedly hitting me in the head with a hammer.

I do my best to look around and find myself in a small, grey, old room. I don't remember how I got here.

I here people talking, but it is as though they are in an entire different world, to muffled and distant to make out. Everything seems to be happening in slow motion.

I see a boy, his face is worried and panicked, he leans over me and strokes my cheek. He is tall and handsome, I don't know why he is touching me, but I like it. His deep blue eyes seem to melt my heart, I see peaks of black ink curl on the back of his neck.

He speaks, but he seems miles away. To ease his pain I attempt to smile, but find myself unable to. My entire body buzzes with numbness, and every muscle in my body seems to call out in harmonies aches.

I feel sticky fluid run down both my thigh and my head. Where am I, and what happened to me?

Question upon question fills my head, but I push them to the side as I stare up at my handsome stranger.

He presses his lips gently to mine, catching me by great surprise. My thoughts freeze, my entire body seems to melt with pleasure. Whomever this man is, he has me infatuated. Though I don't allow these feeling to last long, he is still a stranger whom is kissing me.

When we part, a cold feeling is left on my body due to his absence. I do my best to ignore it, and slap him across the face. I didn't slap him hard, but a look of pure hurt and confusion crosses his face.

"What the..." He begins, but I do not let him finish. "Why did you kiss me?" "Because you are my girlfriend!" He speaks as though this were obvious, as if this didn't just change my world. "Girlfriend? I don't even know you!" With much pain, I manage to sit up so that I can look at this boy clearly.

His gorgeous eyes are a deep, rich blue. The same color that I imagine the empty lake would be by the old, abandoned park. I shake my head to nod off my fascination, but there is something about this stranger before me that makes me long for his presence.

"It's me, Tobias. You don't remember, do you?" A look of horror fills his face, his eyes grow red with tears. "What happened, where am I?" I ask, almost plead. I want the truth, I want to remember this boy, Tobias his name was.

We must have been in a deep relationship for him to be this upset, I yearn to hold him close once again, but restrain myself, for now. When he gathers himself, Tobias asks, "What do you remember."

I think, hard. My head begins to pound once again as I try to remember, to grasp onto to any memory that I may have. "My name is Beatrice Prior, my parents are Andrew and Natalie Prior. My brothers name is Caleb, I am fifteen years old, and I live in Abnegation."

My answer must have been wrong in some way, because Tobias seems to break down in misery even further. "Your name is Beatrice Prior, but you go by Tris. You parents and you brother are Andrew, Natalie, and Caleb Prior. You are sixteen years old, a Dauntless transfer, and now a member of the factionless."

Factionless? I must have heard him wrong. I could never be factionless. As handsome as this boy might be, he is obviously lying to me. "Sure," I tease, "and I bet that you ran away with me." His silence speaks that that is exactly what happened, I do not know what to say next.

"Rest now. We will discuss everything later, but you were wounded pretty badly, focus on healing for now." Tobias turns to leave the room, but hesitates in the doorway. Without turning around he says, "Please try to remember me, to remember us." With those few words, he is gone.


Whew! 400 readers! 🎈🍰(Dauntless cake) Please leave feedback and vote, it means a great deal to me. 😊

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