Divergent (If they never passed initiation)

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I know what I have to do. If I am found out as being Divergent I will die. This leaves me only one, terrible option. Most people only see this in their fear landscapes. But I am brave, I am Six.

Tobias has already packed our things, everything is in place. I feel guilt at leaving Christina, Uriah, Will, and all of my other friends, but I know that for my safety I must leave.

I draw in a breath and push through the door. Eric looks up from a pile of papers in front of him, which sit on a dark wood desk. "What, did you get lost Stiff?" He spits at me. "No, I, I came to tell you that I'm dropping out." To my surprise he stands up and walks rather close to me, so that his face is only inches from mine. "Your in first Stiff, why give that up? Why give up your life, to become factionless?" I am terrified at the minimal distance between us, he must see it in my face, because he takes a step back before speaking again. "I can't let you throw away everything, that you have trained so hard for. It is almost over." I can't meet his eyes when I say, "I have to... I have my reasons." "What" He sounds angry, though he is not yelling, which scares me even more. I say the first thing that comes to my mind. "To be with Four." His face goes slack and then brakes into a smirk, "So Four is leaving too, huh?" "Yes" I say, coming out much stronger then I wanted too. "Fine." He says. "Be out my morning". And with that I leave his office for the very last time.


This is my second fanfiction, so if you liked it try reading Allegiant (continuation). I hope that you all liked this chapter. Please leave me comments on what I could write for future chapters, I always love hearing from my wonderful readers! Remember to vote. :-)

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