Chapter 2

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Marinette's P.O.V

"Don't be bemused it's just the news. Nadja Chamack coming at you live from the explosion scene here at l'Arc de Triomphe. A boy with white hair and a black jumpsuit appeared as the explosion went off. A possible akumatized victim? Any moment Paris' heroes Ladybug and Chat Noir will show up and save us once again. Until then this is Nadja Chamack with the news."

I stared intently at my t.v screen trying to get a better view of the chaos going down in the background of the news. From what I could tell and from what Nadja said I agreed that it must be an akumatized victim.

"Marinette you need to transform now!"

I looked to my little red spotted Kwami and yelled, "Tikki Spots on!" and with that my earrings lit up and black spots appeared on them. I then immediately transformed into a red jumpsuit with black spots all over. A mask matching the suit formed and framed around my baby bluebell eyes, while red ribbons tied around my signature pigtails and finally a magic yoyo wrapped around my waist and hung off my hip.

I jumped up onto my loft bed and opened the trap door that led to my roof and jumped onto the balcony. I grabbed my yo-yo off my hip and swung it as it wrapped around posts, and street lights. On my way to the scene of the explosion, a blond haired boy dressed in a fake leather suit, with a black mask framed around his forest green eyes, black cat like ears on his head, a black belt hanging down from the back of his waist like a tail, a ring with a paw print on his right index finger. He also carried around a silver staff that could extend shrink down and be used as a phone.

"Nice to see you again my lady." he said as he winked at me. He is such a charmer and my superhero partner. he made no effort to hide his feelings for me, but my heart belonged to another.

"No times for charms Chat Noir. We need to get to l'Arc de Triomphe! We have to see what kind of akuma we are up against."

We swung and jumped around the city until we came to a direct stop in front of the arc. Out of the corner of my eye one person stood out in the crowd, my best friend.. She had her phone out recording every little thing she could about what will go down. That was so typical of her. She was obsessed with everything Ladybug. Little did she know though, Ladybug was me.

There was a huge crater right by the arc and in the middle of it was a boy who looked around my age and his facial expression was a confused one, but that could sometimes be normal for victims. I twirled my yo-yo around as we got closer not letting my guard down. Chat was on guard as well with his staff in hand ready to strike at any moment. I studied the boy in front of us to look for clues as to who he was and where the akuma was hiding on him. He didn't seem to have anything that would be obvious to where the akuma was hiding or who he was. Though he did look strange, he had snowy white hair, glowing green eyes and a black jumpsuit with white gloves, white boots and a D logo on his chest. Not many places to hide an akuma.

Danny p.o.v

When I finally came too, I was in the middle of a crater laying down on my back I slowly stood up and almost instantly I was surrounded by a group of people. One of them in particular stood out she was dark skinned, wearing glasses, an orange plaid shirt, jeans and white shoes with black zig zags on it. She seem to be happy that I was here, as if this was some kind of big chance for her.

I looked around confused as he saw some of the people back away when ever he looked at them. Did they fear me or something? That's when I heard some news lady talk about some puma victim. I looked around and didn't see any puma in the vicinity. Then a few minutes later after trying to figure out what was going on two strange people landed in front of me.

Both of the people who landed in front of me seemed ready to go to some kind of convention. There was only one thing that made me uneasy about these too, and that was the look in the ones eye while they were twirling their yo-yo.

"This can't be good." I said to myself. I look at the two people who are standing in front of me. "So, was there a comic convention I wasn't aware of?" I asked keeping a sharp eye on the weapons they had at the ready. Neither of them said anything they only stood there. "Well I guess I shall be moving on, sorry for causing such a racket." I said waving to them.

That was one of the biggest mistakes I have ever made in my life. As soon as I turned my back on them, I had a yo-yo wrap around me. Before I could react I was pulled through the air towards them and smacked with a stick. I liked these guys a lot less than I did a second ago

Authors note.

Well apparently Rose got mad when I said she did some of the work. She has played Marinette, Chloe, Alya, Naja and a few others and is editing the whole story. Making sure we didn't make any mistakes. So I am sorry for not giving you the credit you so deserved. I'm sure your going to find something else to complain about for next time.

I would also like to thank all of you who have taken time out of your day to read our story. We really appreciate it and hope you guys will stick around for the conclusion. 


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