Chapter 18

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"I'm so happy for you jiji...." Khushi squealed like a child, as her jiji told her about her decision, and hugged her jiji tight.

"Congratulations Payal!" Lavanya said and hugged her.

"Hey, did you say this to Adi?" Khushi asked and Payal nodded no. "Why?" Lavanya asked surprised.

"I'll inform him!" Payal said.

"So when are you getting married?" Khushi asked.

"Not decided Khushi. We'll discuss with you all and decide!" Payal said, "But before that I should be legally divorced from Akash!"

"And he is not signing the papers too!" Lavanya said in anger.

"Okay now, forget everything!" Khushi said, "IT'S AMAN'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!"

"Oh yeah, we have to plan for the party!" Payal said and the three ladies rushed to NK's room.

Anjali Jha came out behind the curtains where she was hiding and said with an evil smile, "Be happy Payal! But you won't marry Aman! I'll do anything to destroy your and your sister's happiness!"





"WHAT? Payal is gonna marry Aman?" Dadi asked.

Anjali nodded and Akash said, "She can't! She is still my legally wedded wife!"

"Whatever Akash, the point is she accepted him. Adi also accepts him as his father," Dadi said, "You'll lose your son! He is Raizada blood, this is his home! What can that Aman give him? He is a bloody orphan!"

Anjali nodded and said, "He is Raizada heir! Your son! He cannot be Aman's son! Mind it Akash, the day Akash and Payal marry, Aman will start preparations to legally adopt Adi."

"NO!" Akash said standing up, "I cannot lose my son! He will stay here with me, forever!"

"For that you need to degrade Aman in front of him! Adi values him more than anyone. So to win Adi's heart, you should make him believe that you're a far better person than Aman!" Anjali said.

"But how di?" Akash asked.

"I have a plan!" Anjali said.





"Guys, BAD NEWS!" NK said and Arnav, Aman, Payal, La and Khushi looked up at him.

NK sat beside them and whispered, "She called. Due to weather problems, the flight is cancelled. She can't come today!"

"WHAT?" Everyone screamed and NK nodded, "We have post-pone our plan!"

Everyone looked down in disappointment.

Now they have to wait more to reveal Shyam Manohar Jha.





Aman was pacing along his room thinking about any other way to bring her here on his birthday, when the room of his door flew open and ran in an excited Adi.

"Is it true? Mamma and you are gonna marry?" He asked with his eyes glistening.

Aman smiled and nodded yes.

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