Chapter 6

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Arnav walked to Akash and shoved a paper to his hand.

"This paper which you had signed states that this house and AR industries now belongs to AKR corp. And the owners of AKR corp. are the personalities standing before you! Me, Khushi, Payal, NK and Lavanya! So, you're standing at a house which is no more yours and insulting the new owners!" Arnav said and turning to Anjali he stood shocked.

Hiding his laughter, he said at her black painted face, "Is this a new type of sunscreen?"

Payal, Khushi, NK and Lavanya burst into laughter and Lavanya said in between her laughs, "ASR, this must be her true colour and the usual face of her which she shows must be sun-screened!"

"JUST SHUT UP!" Anjali shouted and NK roared,


"WE'RE NOT GOING TO LIVE HERE!" Shyam shouted and Khushi said,

"'ll have to dear Raizadas, Malik and Jhas, because you signed a contract that you yourself agreed to become our servants!"

"WHAT?" They shouted and Karan said,

"Mr. Akash, the contract papers which I gave you had this statement. Didn't you read?" He asked showing the paper!

Akash snatched the paper and said, "This paper was not included when it was given to me!"

"Do you have any proof?" Karan asked.

Akash stood stumped.

"Akash had written himself and his family into slavery!" Karan declared and everyone gasped, "So you all are now my boss' servants and will have to stay here until they decide!"

Payal said, "So Karan, do one thing! These people are using the guestrooms right? Why waste electricity! Ask them to take the servants' room which is used by HP, JP and OP!"

"WHAT? NO!" Anjali shouted.

Lavanya showed her palm and said, "It's our decision Mrs. Jha and you'll have to obey that. HP, JP and OP will use the biggest guestroom of the house. The three can share one room! Got it?" The three Prakash brothers nodded.

"And regarding you all," Arnav said, "Mr and Mrs. Jha will use the smallest servant room. Mr. Akash and his mother will take the next two servant rooms!"

"Mrs. Devyani Raizada and Mrs. Subadra Malik can stay in one of the guest room since you guys are old!" NK said.

"What kind of child play is this Arnav?" Dadi roared, "I'm going back to my ashram!"

"NO WAY!" Khushi said, "According to the contract your name is also in the list of our servants. If you're breaking it then you'll have to pay us 50 crore!"

"50 crore!" Akash gasped.

"Yes 50 crore!" Payal said, "That's the amount we spent for buying the house, no....actually for buying you people. So if you're breaking the contract return the money we wasted on you!"

"So servants go and occupy the servant quarters and you HP, JP and OP, you three are now onwards the managers of the house." NK said, "You should report to us if these people are not working properly. You should cook food for us, but not for them! You should not obey any command of theirs and you also have the power to order them!"

"Yes, if they aren't working, you can scold them and ask them to work!" Arnav said, "If want, take a whip and use it!"

"Is that clear?" Khushi asked aloud.

"WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT?" Shyam asked angrily.

The five smiled and Arnav said, "We...we just want to have fun!"

"And one more thing," Khushi said, "None of you can leave the house without our permission."

"Khushi...why would they leave their house? Do they have jobs? NO!" Payal said, "Mr. Akash is now penniless! Mrs. Jha is already a lazy bum. Mr. Jha is a pathetic lawyer that no one is interested in handing him over a case. So their only source of income is by serving us!"

The five laughed and the family seethed in anger.


"Bhai?" Arnav asked surprised, "When did I become your bhai? As far as I remember, I'm the one who took away your 'rightful' things na?"

"Chotte....please...don't do this...look your di is struggling Chotte..." Anjali said faking tears.

"Saale sahib, you cannot forget the promise you gave to your mother that you would take care of your di!" Shyam said.

"Arnav bitwa.....please don't do this!" Mami said.

Arnav smiled and said, "First of all Mrs. Jha I'm not your Chotte. Your Chotte died the moment you believed your spineless husband over me. And the promise I gave to mother was to take care of my sister. But when my sister does not consider me as her brother, then why should I care for her?"

"So Raizadas, Malik and Jhas" NK said, "Go to the servants' room!"

"Chotte..." Anjali tried once again but Arnav roared, "GO TO THE SERVANTS ROOM YOU ALL!"

Everyone ran upstairs while Nani stood there.

"Arnav bitwa...Khushi bitiya..." Nani came forward when they turned their face away. Nani felt hurt.

"HP, JP and OP" Khushi said, "From today, you should take care of our children! Their food must be cooked by you. I don't want my children to eat anything that's made by those people! Do you get that?"

Prakash brothers nodded and went.

"Payal bitiya..." Nani called Payal who just looked at her blankly.

"Please forgive me..." Nani said weakly.

Lavanya laughed and said, "Forgive you Nani ji? Huh, do you think these four grandchildren of yours will forgive you for what you did?"


"You just stood far away and watched everything Mrs. Raizada," Arnav said in anger, "If you had loved us, you would have supported us. But why would you? If you would have supported us then along with us you too need have come out of Shantivan. Why would anyone leave luxuries right?"

"Nahi bitwa...." Nani began but Khushi cut her and said, "Of all the people who broke our trust, your sin was the one which broke us the most!"

Nani hung her head low due to guilt and Payal, "You can go!" Nani nodded and walked upstairs.


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