Chapter 15

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Aman barged into Arnav's room and the five suddenly stopped their planning about his birthday party.

"What happened?" Aman asked suspiciously.

"Nothing!" Arnav said, "Why did you come?"

Aman nodded and closed the door. He joined his five fellow mates on the bed and said, "We're here for three days and didn't start our moves!"

"We were waiting for you dude!" NK said, "We need your brain for tackling the snake!"

"Not snake...Mr. Gorilla!" Khushi said, "That's the name kids gave him!"

Everyone laughed and Aman said, "Listen guys, Shyam's fracture is a minor one and he'll start walking within days. So we have to implement our plan!"

Everyone nodded and La said, "Guys, she is ready at any time!"

NK said, "I hope this will work!"

"THIS WILL WORK!" Payal said.

"Oh god, I wanna see his face when she comes here!" Khushi said.

"So when to start?" NK asked.

"After 2 days, it's my birthday! Let her come as my friend to wish me!" Aman said.

Everyone nodded and Arnav whispered, "Shyam Jha, count your days at RM!"





"Adi beta..."

Adi was sitting by his poolside and drawing something when he heard a voice calling him. He looked up and saw Akash and Anjali standing near the poolside entrance.

"Who asked you to come in?" He asked rudely.

Ignoring his rude question, both of them came in and sat on his either sides.

Akash sighed and said, "Adi....I know you hate us."

"Good for you!" Adi said curtly and continued in his drawing.

"You hate us because we threw your mother out, right?" Anjali asked and Adi kept mum.

"Adi, you're mistaken! Yes, we threw your mother out but did she tell you the reason?" Anjali asked.

"We'll tell you! Your mother and her sister tried to ruin our family! You won't understand it now beta, but as you grow up you'll come to know that your mother and maasi are nothing but cheaters!" Akash said.

"Your Arnav uncle doesn't believe us," Anjali said, "He believes Khushi and Payal and supports them. Even your NK uncle, La chachi and Aman uncle does not believe us! But you're intelligent na? You're really smart. You should see their true face!"

Adi looked at her and nodded.

Anjali gained confidence and said, "You should help us beta. Only you can help us. We want to get back our Arnav and NK who are under those gold digg....err...cheaters' influence. Only you can help us in getting them back. You need to act as if you're with them and should inform us everything that those cheaters are planning!"

Adi looked at Akash and asked, "You don't love her?"

Akash adjusted his specs and said, "I loved her a lot! But not anymore! I lost trust in her years back, the day I realized her true face! I am ashamed of myself that I loved her once. I hate her, I hate everything about her!"

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