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"I wish I didn't have to give it back," Jasmine pouted

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"I wish I didn't have to give it back," Jasmine pouted. She set down her martini on the bar's glass top and slid the antique bracelet over her hand. "But thank you for letting me borrow it."

"My pleasure." Michael smiled at her, and she held his gaze. They'd arrived at the hotel an hour earlier and taken a seat at the sleek hotel bar while the concierge had their bags sent to their suite. They were already on to their third martini, although they weren't yet on their first kiss. "Now. Here's to—"

"Secrets," Jasmine interrupted. After their flirtatious emails, she'd assumed they'd rip each other's clothes off and do it in the back of Michael's limo as soon as he picked her up. Instead, he'd asked her to tell him stories about her family and told her about his father and the stick up his ass. So far, the day together had been remarkably unsexy. She was ready to change all that, though. "Who doesn't like a good secret?"

Michael leaned toward her. "Well ... I know I do."

There. That was a little better. "You must have some good ones," Jasmine goaded him. For some reason, she wanted to hear him tell her that he liked Alex but how that had changed the minute he laid eyes on her. She wanted to hear how much smarter and sexier and cooler she was.

"Me? Nah." He sat back, taking another sip from his glass. The bartender switched the music to some sultry jazz, as though he'd been reading her mind. "Though I'm sure you do."

"Hmmm ..." She pretended to think. If he wasn't going to come out with it, she could help him along. "Well, I have this friend, Alex..."

Michael cleared his throat. A six-foot model Jasmine recognized from last year's Burberry fashion show walked into the bar, but Michael didn't take his eyes off her. "Jasmine, I—"

"So it's not my secret, exactly," she went on, prying her eyes away from the model. "But she told everyone at Bridgeport that her family is super wealthy and lives in East Hampton, but really they're broke and living in New Jersey! Can you believe that?"

"She mentioned that once." Michael looked around the dimly lit room nervously. "So I guess that's not such a big secret."

Wait, what? That was Alex's biggest secret ever, and she'd told Michael? Michael B. Jordan? Jasmine was suddenly seized with a panicky feeling that maybe there was more to his fling with Alex than she'd thought. Maybe he didn't think she was sexier and more beautiful than Alex. "I didn't realize you were so close," she murmured coldly.

"Don't be like that," he scolded her, which she was surprised to enjoy. She felt suddenly like the naughty schoolgirl that she was. He reached over, cupped her chin in his hand, and met her gaze. "I'm sure people must tell you this all time, but you have the most beautiful eyes." 

And with that, he leaned in to kiss her. As their lips met, she couldn't help but think that yes, people did tell her that all the time. She was forever waiting for someone to tell her that the beauty mark hidden behind her ear was the sexiest thing they'd ever seen, but so far, no one had ever even noticed it. But as Michael slipped his hand down her neck and fingered the opening of her dress, she swept her thick blonde hair behind her. She might as well give him the chance to see it, right? 

"Should we check out our suite?" he whispered breathily.

"Let's do that."

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