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"Hey!" Quincy yelled, loping up the long hill from Bridgeport's practice fields to the main field

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"Hey!" Quincy yelled, loping up the long hill from Bridgeport's practice fields to the main field. Alex squinted. He wore a faded black T-shirt, scruffy jeans, and booger-green Pumas. He was smiling so big that Alex could see his crooked row of bottom teeth. He probably looked delicious to every other girl on campus, but to Alex, he looked immature and sloppy.

"Hey," she called, noting the undeniable shakiness in her voice.

Quincy broke into a run. He smacked into her and wrapped his strong arms around her waist. "Bbae," he murmured aggressively. "It seems like a million years since I saw you. I feel like we're so far from each other."

Ugh. "Well, that's silly," Alex blushed, taking his hand. "I just talked to you yesterday."

"You okay?" Quincy squeezed her. "You seem really...I don't know. Nervous."

"Oh, no." Alex tried to smile. "I'm just giddy." 

Yeah, she was giddy. But not about Quincy. About her mind-blowing, absolutely magical lunch with Mr. Jordan. Before she left his office, he'd touched her shoulder and invited her to go to dinner sometime. His nervous, twitching lips when he'd asked, his shining eyes when she'd said yes. Dinner, dinner, dinner with Michael! And they were going tonight!

"We're going to the gazebo, right?"

Alex snapped back to attention. "Yeah," she squeaked. The old white gazebo was nestled into some weeping willow trees and sat right on the bank of the Hudson. It was a famed Bridgeport hookup spot. In fact, it was so popular that last spring the students had passed around a gazebo sign-out sheet so nobody would interrupt another couple's business. It had a worn-in, comfy swinging bench for two. There was a cutout hole at the top of the gazebo, so at night, you could look up at the stars."But we can't stay too long, 'cause I have to get ready for dinner in a little," she told him.

"That's cool."

They walked along the stone path, hand in hand, acres of green lawn and ancient redbrick buildings with bright white trim on either side of them. The sky was getting cloudy, and Alex wasn't sure if it was the humidity or her nerves, but she was definitely sweating a little. Quincy suddenly stopped and grabbed her by both hands. Students were walking around campus, heading to the dorms for visiting hours before dinner, all checking out Alex and her sexy boyfriend.

"I really missed you." He kissed her forehead. "I wish our schools were closer, you know?"

"They're only about ten miles away from each other," Alex sputtered, looking around frantically. They were standing right in the middle of the field, in plain view of Stansfield Hall. If Michael looked out his office window right then, he would see them. "It's really not that far."

"Well, that seems too far to me."

"Let's go to the gazebo." She grabbed his arm quickly. "We can talk there."

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