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"You stink

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"You stink."

Kae woke with a start. Where was she? Oh, right. Bridgeport. In her room.

"I mean seriously, you really stink. Are you drunk?" someone whispered. 

Was that Robyn, talking in her sleep? Kae had heard her come in earlier. Thankfully, it had been after she'd stopped sobbing into her pillow. Robyn taken her clothes off in the dark, said "nighty-night," and snuggled under the covers.

"I'm not drunk," another voice slurred. A guy's voice.

"Well, you smell like liquor. Ew."

"I love it when you say I stink," the guy said.

"Shhh. Angelica will hear."

Kae inched further beneath her covers. The voice sounded vaguely familiar. And whoever it was did stink. Kae could smell something alcoholic, even though the windows were wide open and the cool night breeze was wafting though the room.

"Well, it would be nice, Chris, if you didn't stink, 'cause then I wouldn't have to taste it in your mouth."

Chris? Kae's stomach dropped. How many Chris's went to this school?

"You sure nobody's here?" he asked.

"Do you see anybody here?" Robyn hissed.

Kae stayed curled in a ball. Robyn had seen her. She'd even said good night to her! Kae wanted to leave them alone, but getting up and making noise right now would be very uncool. And what if Chris saw her? She was sure her crush on him would shine right through her. To think that she had developed an immediate crush on her roommate's boyfriend!

Her eyes adjusted to the dark and she peeked out from under the covers. Robyn's bed was less than four feet away and there was a flash of naked skin in the moonlight. 

"Condom," Kae heard Robyn whisper.

A pause. Then Chris's voice. "Serious? Where?"

"Top drawer."

Kae heard fumbling in the dark. Then a scuffling of covers, and thump! Chris was halfway on the floor. He tried to get his balance but held on to the night table and ended up dragging it down with him. It made a horrible amount of noise. A box of Trojan condoms spilled out, along with a big bottle of lotion and a package of Bic pens. Kae shot up in bed, staring at Chris's sprawled, naked body.

"Yo," he drawled, grinning up at her. "I know you."

"Oh my God!" Kae slunk back under the covers.

"Robyn, you said nobody was here," he whispered loudly.

Robyn kicked the mattress angrily. "This is ridiculous," she sighed, and got out of bed. Kae peeked out from under the covers and saw the outline of Robyn's thin body, dressed in a pink lacy bra with matching panties. Where was Alex, anyway? Robyn glanced over at the lump that was Kae under the blankets. "Sorry, Kae," she shrugged, then stomped over Chris, stepping on his hand as she headed for the door.

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