Epilogue #2

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Six years later

Beckett's P.O.V

"I'm not in the bottom gang!" Aiden declares with a roar that was easily drowned out by the series of laughter that broke out from the guys.

I struggled to keep quiet as I bite my lip harshly.

"Then what do you call taking it up the ass?" Chris states with a possessive arm wrapped around Nic's waist, his mate blushing furiously.

"I call it switching. You'd know about that right Nic?" Aiden fires back, this makes the small group release a series of oooo's. Aiden smirks proudly but Nic holds his head up high.

"I have two men. I fuck one and get fucked by the other, it's a good life. Doesn't matter if I switch, I'm not the one pregnant with twins." This makes the group roar their approval as Aiden shrinks back in his seat with a glare.

"That was great love." Chris says chuckling before kissing him quickly. Aiden and Chris both had large personalities with matching egos, making their friendship circle in a bowl of conflict and Chris just won another point in his favor.

"Okay, okay guys." I say standing up as I hold a pint of beer in one hand firmly while they settle down. "We came here to celebrate the news not heckle him took much." 

"Thank you." Aiden says with a smile.

"Now raise up your sippy cup." I say snickering as the others break out in another series of laughter. He obviously couldn't drink alcohol with the kids brewing in his stomach, so we made no way of easing the impact it had on him.

"I hate you so much." He growls, I simply smile before continuing.

"I know Emitt is more suitable to make this announcement but you're stuck with me." This makes him smile as they all stare up at me expectantly. "I've kind of always hated you."

"Lovely start." He grumbles.

"Not because you and my best friend were at war, you just seemed like a dick. You are, I know that know. I didn't really support you and Julian in the beginning honestly, you seemed like a shit match I-"

"Moon Goddess!" He growls almost aggressively.

"Let me finish." I reply calmly. "I thought all these things, until I saw the way you looked at Julian. Heard the things you did for him, saw them with my own eyes. I've witnessed you be an amazing mate to Julian, the perfect one for him and you've made him so happy. I can't thank you enough for that." This makes him smile. "Now you're pregnant cause you got fucked by your man," laughter broke out again,"but you that doesn't matter. You're still a great guy and you're a fucking amazing dad to Levi and Damon. You've made that kid forget he's adopted and you've made an home for them better than I'd ever had."

I look at him with a small smile as I hold the drink high.

"I wish I had a dad like you, so I know these kids will have great lives. So cheers, to one of the greatest fathers alive." The guys splutter past the rising emotions and raise their drinks to their lips. Chugging the cooled liquid down, loving the way it burned slightly.

"Thank you Beckett, seriously. That meant a lot to me." He replies before putting down his water, rising to give me a hug. I don't like hugs but I accepted it anyway.

"No problem." I say once we part. "Now enough with this sappy shit, let's get wasted, Aiden is driving."

"Goddess, I hate you." He grumbles as the guys and I start our pursue to a great night we won't remember.

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