Chapter 33

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Some quick things before you read this chapter :

1) Beckett did not deny Emitt as his mate because he was mad, he did it because he's afraid of disappointing his parents. Please remember how much he lives to please them, he's done this before Emitt came into the picture and remember how scared he got when they reacted to Julian and Aiden being mates. I think the following comment by @EmmaTomlinson691 was spot on.

I don't get why no one understands why Beckett did that. It wasn't as a way to get back at Emitt. He loves Emitt, but his [Becketts] parents are abusive. What is the first stage of abuse? They take control of your life. That is what his parents have done. Despite the fact that he knows that they're horrible people, they have ingrained in him a desire to seek their approval, their love. He already knows what they think of gays and gay mates, and he doesn't want them to hate him, or be disgusted with him. Did y'all forget the fact that he had a MASSIVE panic attack when his parents made that comment about Julian and Aiden being mates, how it's unnatural and disgusting? How, when he was just about to black out, his final thought was 'Would they think I was disgusting?'Keeping that in mind, maybe don't make the mistake of judging too harshly. KEEP YOUR SHIRTS ON PEOPLE!!!!

2) This book will begin to have time jumps in it, if you read Alpha Mates you know all the shit with Oliver and the rouges was a big issue that involved more Julian and Aiden than Emitt and Beckett. So you'll be experiencing a lot of days/weeks passing, I'll try to transition it to the best of my ability but I am only a girl failing at everything in life but eating.

Questions : If I were to publish my books, would you buy?

And do you guys want a character Q&A and like, I answer any questions you have for Beckett as Beckett would. So it's like you're talking to them.

Let me know, okay I'm done talking.


Emitt's P.O.V

Beckett has been acting weird.

I knew it was my fault for attacking Julian the way I had and the blame was on nobody else but me. I wish I'd never opened my stupid mouth because not only had I made Beckett mad, I'd hurt Julian. I said some cruel things that rage drew me to say, I took out all my anger and sadness on him and I truly did regret every word of it.

I went to apologize to Julian the first chance I got, but he was gone. He'd apparently went to find Aiden, disappearing with a potential location that his mate could be residing in. I was praying with every fiber of my being that he'd find Aiden and that they'd fix things and come back home. That I'd apologize and everything would go back to the way it once was.

He left over a week ago and nobody had heard a word from either of our Alphas in a long time, the pack was struggling to keep afloat without them but Beckett and I were trying as best we could. Of course this would've been a lot easier if he'd just talk to me, not like the stupid one worded thing he was pulling but actual conversations.

I apologised to him as soon as he returned home expecting him to ignore me but he said it was okay and that he knew I was sorry. I was surprised at how quickly he got over it but I didn't question it, what I did question was why he kept telling me he was sorry.
He didn't do anything wrong but correct me so why was he so repentant. Now he was incapable of looking me in my eyes or holding me and it was proving that he really didn't forgive me, I didn't know what to do.

"Emitt." Isabel calls making my head snap up. "Someone just sent news at the gate that Aiden and Julian are back."

"Here?" I question in disbelief as the words ring in my ears. "In the pack?"

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