Chapter 34

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Beckett's P.O.V

"What do you mean you're pregnant?" I question my best friend as he looks at me intently.

"I mean I'm pregnant." He says slowly, his eyes showing the nerves his sweaty palms were reflecting.


"I don't know."

"You're a guy right?" I question making him groan as he runs his hand through his long hair.

"Yes Beckett!" He exclaims angrily. I stare at him for a while before my eyes drift downwards, I stretch a hand out to feel for proof but he slaps it so hard I thought it broke. "What the hell are you doing!"

"Checking!" I shout back with equal frustration.

"That I'm really a guy?!"

"Precisely." I say making him groan angrily before he stands up and starts pacing.

"I know it's weird okay, I get it. It freaks me out too. But it's true. There's a kid in here and it's going to pop out soon and I'm freaking the fuck out!" He unloads on me, clearly releasing thoughts he's been hoarding for God knows how long.
(Unload, realsing - I hear it too u nasties)

"Is it because of Levi?" I question making both our eyes dart towards the kid that was sitting in front of a tv watching cartoons, though he wasn't watching, he was drawing in his little notebook. (Alpha Mates - it explains shit like Levi.)

"No." He whispers sitting down. "I love him and he's not the problem, I didn't expect to have a kid so soon let alone two. Levi and now the baby? It's happening so fast and I'm scared."

"Of what?" I question with a frown.

"That I won't be a good father to either of them." He reveals making my eyes soften. "That I'll disappoint them or mess up somehow."

"You probably will." I say making his eyes fill with horror. "But that's human Julian, and although we may not be human, we're very much alike. You'll mess up yes, but you'll also do some pretty amazing things for them both."

"You think so?" He asks nervously.

"I know it. You're already an amazing father to Levi, how hard can two be?" I say making him chuckle as he smiles widely with a new found confidence.

"Thanks Beckett." He says stretching over to hug me.

"When are you going to tell the pack?" I question with curiosity on how our pack makes would react. They've been pretty supportive with the whole gay mates thing, but they've been haggling us both for kids as the alphas and betas of the pack. This was a great solution as the child would have both Julian's and Aiden's blood but would they accept the not so common way the kid would be coming into the world.

"Tonight." He replies firmly. "I just wanted to give you the heads up. Emitt already knows."

"You told Emitt before me?!" I question feeling a bit hurt. "What happened to bros before hoes?"

"I guess it changed to bottoms before tops." He says with a shrug accompanied by a cheeky smile. "But you do get what this means now right?"

"No...." I stretch raking my brain for answers.

"It means that you guys can have kids too." He says with a weak smile. "Beckett, you and Emitt can have kids of your own as well."

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