xix. the race

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Finley stood by Kevin Keller as they watched what was about to go down. Cheryl Blossom helped pick out her outfit and she couldn't be happier especially with the Serpent jacket on her shoulders. She was here to support the Serpents and that's what she'll be doing. "Let's do this", Tall Boy yelled! Everyone cheered. "Not the kind of drag race I ever imagined myself going to but at least the guys are hot", Kevin said looking at who Finley learned was named Malachai. He sent her a wink when he saw her looking. She rolled her eyes and looked toward Sweet Pea who was looking at her also. She waved to him and he responded by waving back. "Let's do it", Tall Boy shouted once again as everyone was ready for the race. Finley clapped along with everyone. "Get these cars up on the road", Tall Boy said. The set of boys got into their cars. After getting them set up they got back out. Malachai and Jughead faced each other shaking hands. Toni had gotten up and made her way to the car but so was Cheryl. Finley shook her head when Cheryl took Toni's thunder. Cheryl took her place. Everyone started getting up. Sweet Pea made his way to Finley. "I saw that by the way", he spoke up. She looked up at him. "What", she asked? "Malachai winked at you", he said. Finley scoffed. "He's full of himself isn't he", she asked? She then grabbed his hand. "Don't get jealous, I'm with you Sweet Pea, I just met him yesterday and he's horrid", Finley said. Sweet Pea let out a chuckle. "That's my girl", he said. Finley winked. The two then watched as Cheryl gave the cars the signal to go. They sped off and Sweet Pea pulled at her hand as they followed the cars in cheers.

We all stood playing the waiting game when a Ghoulie ran around like a mad man. "Everyone scatter, the cops are rounding up Ghoulies", the guy yelled! Finley looked to Sweet Pea in confusion. He shrugged and just then Archie and Jughead pulled up and got out. "Come on Come we got to go", Jughead said pulling at everyone. "You called the cops", Tall Boy asked so much anger in his voice? Finley squeezed Sweet Pea's hand tightly in fear. "Calm down, Tall Boy, you think I knew Keller was going to be there", Jughead said. "I called Keller", Archie said. "What the hell Archie, did my dad tell you about this too", Jughead asked? "No this was my idea, to get rid of the Ghoulies and it worked, they get arrested for street racing and now they're off the chess board", Archie explained. "For how long, 1 month, 3 months, you know what they're going to want on the other side Archie your head", Jughead said pushing Archie aggressively. Everyone started getting into their cars. "You coming with me", Sweet Pea asked? Finley nodded and followed quickly to his bike. Sweet Pea got on first Finley following. She wrapped her arms tight around him.


"Throw it more time I swear Fin", Sweet Pea scolded. Finley threw another piece of popcorn at his face. He then leaned over and tackled her. "Ugh get off me you oaf oui", Finley said pushing him off. "Wow you sounded really Irish there", he joked. "Maybe cause I am", she said sticking her tongue out. Her phone then went off. "If that's Betty I'm going to throw your phone against the wall", Sweet Pea said. Finley looked at her phone and it was Betty. "Sorry", she said giving him an innocent smile. She then answered the phone. "Finley I know who the Sugar Man is", Betty said. "Its Robert Phillips", she said. Finley gasped. "Wait who's that", Finley asked? "Apparently he teaches at Southside High", Betty said and Finley looked at Sweet Pea. He mouthed a "What", but Finley put her finger up to let him know one second. "Thanks for letting me know are you telling you know who", Finley asked? "Yes I am", Betty said. Finley let out a sigh. "Just be careful", Finley said. "Promise, now have fun with your serpent just not too much fun", Betty said. Finley laughed. "Promise", she said and then hung up. "Why are you so damn secretive when talking to Betty, what aren't you telling me", Sweet Pea asked his tone serious? Finley feared that he was mad at her and decided she'd just tell him. "Betty has been talking to the black hood and he's been basically black mailing her", Finley said. Sweet Pea nodded. "His latest request was for her to find the Sugar Man, Veronica, her, and I tried one thing but that didn't work out because we ended up getting caught and that's when I met Malachai", Finley explained. Sweet Pea put his hand up to stop her from saying anything. "I'm not liking what I'm hearing at all, all this stuff you're doing is risky, something could've happened to you", Sweet Pea said. "I had Betty and Veronica with me", she said. Sweet Pea shook his head. "Just try to be careful when putting yourself in this mess", Sweet Pea said grabbing her hand. "I promise, I'll do anything to make sure Betty's alright, she gave me this opportunity to come here to Riverdale", Finley said.

A/N : sorry I've been lacking with posting but here you go

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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