viii. fear

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Finley walked through Riverdale High trying to make it through the hallways. The hallways were crowded with people wearing the same thing. Veronica apparently made red circle shirts and had the River Vixens passing them out. Finley tried avoiding it because she knew Cheryl Blossom would force the small Irish girl to have one. Having that shirt probably won't go over well with a certain Southside Serpent. "Finley here's your shirt", Cheryl said catching up to the girl. Cheryl placed the shirt over Finley's shoulder. "I'm good Cheryl", Finley said handing the shirt back to the red head. "Nonsense Finley take one", Veronica said coming up behind her. Veronica handed her one now. "Yeah Finley if you don't take it your basically on the black hoods side", Cheryl said crossing your arms. Finley shook her head. "Sure Cheryl", Finley said leaving to actually do something productive.


Finley picked at her nails nervously as she sat outside the Cooper household. Sweet Pea would be here any minute. Finley could already hear the motorcycle from a far distance. When he pulled up Finley made her way down the steps toward him. "Sweet Pea", she acknowledged him. "Well you would have been jumped by Ghoulies or something if I let you come by yourself", was the first thing he said to her. She looked at him confused. "Your outfit screams innocence and rob me I have money", he said. Finley looked down at her outfit of her sweater tucked into a skirt with stockings and combat boots. "Fine I'll go change", her sharp accent making Sweet Pea's mind run wild. "No I like it now get on", he spoke lowly. Finley smirked and made her way to Sweet Pea and his bike. She got on behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She couldn't help but cuddle up against him. He looked back at her. "You're very warm", she spoke. He just chuckled and revved his engine taking off wherever we were going. When the motorcycle they were in front of the Wyte Wyrm. She knew it was the bar that the Serpents literally lived at. Sweet Pea got off his bike looking toward the girl who looked hesitant. "Are you sure", she asked? He grabbed her hand helping her off the bike. "As long as your with me no one will lay a finger on you besides you have wedged into your brain that Serpents are bad people", Sweet Pea said giving off this negative vibe. Finley sighed. "Sorry it's not like that I promise", Finley said almost stuttering over her words. "Relax Finn I'm not angry or anything", he spoke. "Oh hey Sweet Pea", a unfamiliar voice said. Finley looked toward the doors of the Wyte Wrym and a boy with a short kind of buzz cut with large arms came over to us. "So you must be the famous Irish girl", he said. "I'm Fangs Fogarty", he said crossing his arms. "Finley Gallagher", she spoke softly. "Oh I know exactly who you are", he smirked toward Sweet Pea. "Shove it Fangs", Sweet Pea scolded. "I was going to go to the drug store to get a pack of smokes you guys coming", Fangs asked? Sweet Pea looked toward Finley. "Sure why not", he said. Finley then followed the two boys. "So where in Ireland are you from", Fangs asked? "Galway, it's known for having a lot pubs and many things to do, I'd see you guys having fun there", she said nicely. Sweet Pea instantly loved the way she interacted with Fangs. Finley was different and he knew it from the start. "Maybe someday I've never been out of this horrible town", Fangs laughed as the three made it to the drug store that wasn't too far away from the bar. Finley felt Sweet Pea grab her hand as they went in. She looked up at him. "The guy that works here is a little sketchy", he said. Finley just giggled. "Okay I got them", Fangs said holding the box of cigarettes. Finley should've known the next move. Fangs then threw the box to Sweet Pea who put them in his pocket. The guy wasn't looking. Sweet Pea looked down at Finley and pressed a finger to his lips telling her to keep quiet. She just rolled her eyes. Sweet Pea grabbed her hand once again as they made it out of the drug store. It was then the three turned to the figure not too far away with familiar red hair Finley knew to well. Archie seemed to be spray painting the wall. "Oh crap", Finley mumbled to herself as she felt Sweet Pea's hand unlatch from hers. "Hey, What the hell are you doing", Sweet Pea asked stomping toward Archie? Finley quickly tried to catch up getting in front of Sweet Pea placing her small hands on his chest. "Just leave him", she pleaded. Sweet Pea grabbed her hands removing them from his chest and going to push Archie. "Finley", Archie asked looking at the girl as if she committed the worst crime ever. "Hi Arch", Finley said quietly looking down at her shoes. "Who's this message for", Sweet Pea said yanking at Archie ignoring the fact that Finley actually knew the red head. "Please Pea don't start anything", Finley pleaded once again. "What are you doing with these thugs anyway Finley have they hurt you, are you being forced to hang out with them", Archie asked seeming kind of protective? Sweet Pea glared at Archie, Finley swore she heard a growl come out of his mouth. "She chose to hang out with me believe it or not Northsider", Sweet Pea spat. Archie looked almost ashamed again. "And is this for the black hood, you believe this, and people say we're the trouble makers", Sweet Pea said. "Just go Archie", Finley said not being able to take anymore of this. Archie went to leave but Sweet Pea blocked his getaway. Finley pinched the bridge of her nose. "Southside Serpent country, you can't come here and tag our turf so why don't you get your ass back to the Northside before somebody gets hurt", Sweet Pea scolded. Finley refused to look at the chaos in front of her. "Yet you let Finley come to your turf, you know how not so scary that makes you sound", Archie just laughed. Before Sweet Pea could say anything else Archie started again. "Get out of my way or someone will get hurt", Archie said. Finley grabbed at Archie's arm this time. "Enough both of you let's just be civil, Archie can leave and you guys can go back to your lives", Finley tried reasoning but that of course didn't work. "But he just made a big mistake", Sweet Pea said digging into his jacket pocket. Finley gasped when Sweet Pea pulled out his pocket knife holding it close to Archie's face. "No Sweet Pea", Finley wanted to cry. Suddenly out of nowhere Archie pulled out a gun. "Who made a mistake", he asked on and pointed the gun at Sweet Pea? Finley then stepped in front of him. "Archie where did you get a gun", Finley asked? She felt someone tug at her hand. "Forget that lets go", Sweet Pea said pulling her. Finley gave Archie one last sad look before following the serpent. She wasn't sure why she followed the boy who pulled a knife on one of her friends but she did. When they were away from Archie, Finley stopped. Sweet Pea looked back at her. "Can you just take me home", she asked? Sweet Pea sighed and just nodded.

A/N: I don't know how I feel about this lol.

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