xvi. the meeting

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Finley felt at peace as she sat in her pajamas, blanket on her, ice cream, and the tv playing. Betty had been up in the room doing she didn't know what. Finley's phone then went off from the small table beside her. She grabbed it and saw Sweet Pea's name.

I'm picking you up, we can stop at Pops.

Um sure how's Jug?

He's a Serpent now

Awesome! let me tell Betty I'm leaving

Finley got up unwrapping herself from the blankets. Then another text came in.

Grab clothes if you want to spend the night

She smiled looking forward to another night with Sweet Pea. She put the ice cream in the freezer and made her way up to Betty's room to let her know and pack a bag. She knocked on the door lightly but heard nothing in return. She opened the door quietly and saw a sleeping Betty. Little did Finley know she was far from sleeping but Betty didn't want Finley to know what she was going to do. Finley grabbed clothes and pajamas putting them into a small bag. Finley then heard the familiar sound of a motorcycle. Finley quickly grabbed a sticky note and pen writing down a small note for Betty.

Went out, you know where I am ;)

She smiled at the note and then escaped the room quietly. When she opened the front door Sweet Pea waited leaning against his motorcycle. She walked down. "Is Jug okay", she asked? He laughed. "No hello or I missed you", Sweet Pea joked. Finley stepped forward and grabbed his hand. "Hello, I missed you even though I saw you earlier", she laughed. "Not in very good circumstances", he said gritting his teeth. "Let's not talk about that, let's go to Pop's", she said showing her award winning smile. She got onto the bike and then Sweet Pea did. She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his back. She'd never get over doing this with him. She felt safe. Never did she know that moving to America she'd meet all these people and never believed she would get a boyfriend. She never wanted to leave Riverdale. When the two showed up at Pop's Sweet Pea grabbed her hand first lacing their fingers as they walked into Pop's. "Finley", Pop Tate exclaimed! "Hey Pop", she said. Pop looked at the couples laced hands. "I knew it would happen", he said. Finley smiled looking up at Sweet Pea. "What will it be for you guys", Pop asked? "One cookies and cream milkshake", Sweet Pea said. "With two straws", Pop said winking. Finley blushed. It was moments like this Finley cherished. Sweet Pea was just a big softie. The two sat down this time Sweet Pea sat next to her. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she leaned her head against him. "I'm so enjoying this right now, just silence, nothing going on, no drama just you and me", Finley said. Pop Tate then placed the milkshake down and two straws. Finley opened both straws putting them in the milkshake. Both of them took a sip and placed it back down on the table. "Finley, to be honest I never saw myself with a girl like you but you've made me feel as if I really do deserve someone as special as you", he said being super cheesy and this what they needed at the moment. The moment would then be ruined by a phone call. Finley grabbed her phone seeing it was Betty. "Betty what's up", she asked? "Nick St. Clair drugged Cheryl and was going to do bad things to her", Betty said. Finley let out a gasp placing her hand over her mouth. "Where is Cheryl is she okay", Finley asked quickly? She knew there was something fishy and horrible about Nick St. Clair. "We're all here for her, I just wanted to let you know just in case", Betty said. "Do you need me to come", she asked? "No we got her now but it's just horrible", Betty said. Finley agreed. "Horrible he needs to burn in Hell", Finley said earning a strange look from Sweet Pea. "Have a good night Fin, just keep in touch", Betty said. "Promise love ya B", she said hanging up. Sweet Pea gave her a questioning look. "Not you Sweets but some men can just be horrible, why do they think it's okay to try to get what they want with women", Finley asked? Sweet Pea shrugged. "Not raised right maybe, but I knew when you left the Four Seasons all drugged up that this guy was someone fishy", he said. Finley sighed and placed her head against Sweet Pea again


The next morning both Sweet Pea and Finley expected to get up with no interruptions. Maybe even have some breakfast or watch movie. How wrong were they both? Like usual Finley's phone was blowing up like crazy. Sweet Pea barely moved but Finley unlatched herself from him to pick up her phone. To her surprise it was Alice Cooper. "Turn it off babe", Sweet Pea mumbled turning over. She rolled her eyes and answered the phone. "I'm not even going to ask where you are young lady but please come to the house", she said. Finley became nervous. "Yes ma'am", she said quickly hanging up. Finley got out of bed so fast and she's never gotten out that fast. "What's up with you", Sweet Pea asked leaning on his elbows to look at his girlfriend. Finley quickly grabbed her jeans and took off Sweet Pea's boxers he let her borrow to sleep in. At this moment she didn't care that he only saw her in her underwear. "I need to get home will you drive me", she asked still in a rush? He sighed. "Can we ever just lay together for the day", he asked? Finley suddenly felt horrible. "Soon I promise but please help me out", she begged. He huffed getting out of bed his bed head making him look sexy. Finley took those thoughts out of her head as she went to put her shoes on.


Finley didn't ask him to but he parked a little bit away from the Cooper's house. "Text me later", he said. She nodded and leaned forward giving him a quick kiss on the lips. She ran to the house opening the door. The whole living room was filled with familiar faces even the sheriff and mayor. All eyes went on her. "Sit down Finley", Alice Cooper said with a sarcastic smile. Finley sat down on the arm rest of the couch next to Archie feeling nervous. "Riverdale's best and brightest huh", Alice asked? "Alice, thank you for hosting", Mayor McCoy said. Finley picked at her nails not liking where this was headed. "Of course Mayor, when I heard what happened at Nick's party I decided that we should come together to deal with this motley crew of liars, dope fiends, and fornicators except for my Betty who was smart enough to leave the party before it dechended into a buck nollie and free for all, Finley we'll have a chat about this and your decisions", Alice said quickly judging the girl she let into her home. Finley suddenly felt awful and guilty. "God mom please don't", Betty mumbled under her breath. "Oh here we go, saint Betty", Veronica mumbled to Archie nonchalantly. "You know I might have taken Jingle Jangle but she's the one who had a psychotic break", Veronica mumbled everyone clearly hearing her. "Relax Veronica she just broke up with Jughead", Archie said. "What hashtag Bughead is no more", Kevin asked? Finley let out a quiet laugh. Alice then cleared her throat wanting the small chit chat to be no more. Everyone became silent. "Careful throwing stones there has it Queen Alice, I'm not the only one in this room that knows the story behind that mugshot that your daughter printed in her paper", Hiram said. "Well I For one would like to know who brought the jingle jangle to the party", Hermione Lodge asked? It was silent for a second until Reggie raised his hand and his mother kicked his leg. "Reginald, not a single word out of your mouth until we get a lawyer", his mother said. "No all Reggie needs to tell us Melinda, is how he acquired it", Hiram asked? "Some gang member who deals on the Southside", Reggie said and this made Finley more interested in all of this. "My god you have a dealer", Melinda asked her son? "Once again Mayor the Southside is the source of all our posturing", Hiram started and Finley leaned forward a bit feeling herself getting nervous. "A Serpent", Fred Andrews asked? "Yeah I think so, from Southside High", Reggie said and turned his head to look a Finley. "Can I object", Finley asked? "Hush", Veronica, Betty, and Archie all said to her at the same time afraid of what Finley might say. "What does it matter not all Serpents are drug dealers", Archie said. "Preach", Finley responded with. "Have something to tell us Finley", Alice asked? Finley coward down in her seat. "No ma'am", she said. "Not helping", Fred said to Archie. "Look we should have taken the JJ but Nicks the one who asked Reggie to get it and then pushed it on us, he's the one who should be in the hot seat, I mean he's the one who roofied Cheryl", Veronica said. "Prosecuting Nick St. Clair would be difficult given that all the witnesses were high", Sheriff Keller said. "Yeah but Josie and I saw Nick with Cheryl the night after the party and neither of us were on jingle jangle", Veronica explained. "The Drug stays in your system for three days, so if I drug tested you right now you'd have a credibility problem", Sheriff Keller said. "Josie you took that drug, you put that poison in your system knowing the way your father struggled with addiction", Mayor McCoy said to her daughter. Finley noticed Josie getting upset. Josie nodded timidly. "I see", the Mayor started and then stood up. "From this moment on bringing the Southside under control is my number one priority as mayor if it means raising it to the ground or arresting every single serpent in sight starting at that high school", Mayor started. Finley stood up quickly about to say something worried for Sweet Pea when Archie yanked her back down. "So Be It, Let's go Josefina now", Mayor McCoy said leaving with Josie following. Finley's fist turned white as she held them together firmly feeling her anger seep through her.

A/N: I hope everyone is still enjoying this story. I'm so excited for when I write about the schools merging. I have a lot planned:

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