xii. laws

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The three Archie, Betty, and Finley sat patiently in Betty's room. All their eyes on Betty's phone. The ringtone sounded off as they all looked at each other. The three gathered together to listen in. "Hello", Betty said. "Your mothers at work", he said his voice deep. "She and my dad are", she spoke. "I know, I'm looking at them through a nice picture window", he spoke making Finley try to swallow the lump in her throat. "Are you alone", he asked? Betty's gaze found Archie and mine. Archie nodded a yes as Finley nervously picked at her nails. "I am", Betty said. "She's a thorn in both of our sides your mother, we can't have her looning over us", he spoke. "Wait if your suggesting", Betty started but was cut off by him. "Check your email, publish what I sent and then I'll know that your loyal", he said and Betty stood up from the bed. "I want something in return to prove your loyalty", Betty said. "How about, you do this for me and then you get to ask me a question and I have to answer, you have until tomorrow night", was the last things he said before Betty hung up. Finley felt like she could normally breathe again. Betty then got back onto her bed and onto her lap top. Archie and Finley watched the computer as she does so. She opened it and all of teens eyes went wide. An old copy of a Riverdale Register read, "Southside Teen Arrested and Released on Bail", and it was a picture of Alice Cooper. "Oh my god is that", Archie started? "It's Betty's mom", Finley said. The three shared a look.


"Wait your what now", Finley gasped? Jughead sighed from the other line. Finley walked into school books to her chest and phone to her ear. She noticed Archie and Betty down the hallway. "I'm joining the Serpents", he spoke. Finley couldn't believe it. "When did you decide this", she asked? "Fin, Sweet Pea's right I can't be half a serpent", he spoke. "Wait, Sweet Pea convinced you to do this", she asked? Jughead let out a small laugh. "I've heard your super close now", Jughead said. "You could say that, anyway what do you have to do to become a serpent", Finley asked? "Hey can we talk about this later", Jughead asked? Suddenly Jughead's voice wasn't heard but rather Sweet Pea's. "It's been too long Finley, You'll talk and catch up with Jughead and not me your boyfriend", he asked? "I'm sorry Sweets", she said. "Give me my phone back", Jughead's voice was heard. "Bye Finn", Jughead said hanging up. She then walked toward Archie and Betty. "So what are we doing about the article", Finley asked? "Well, my mom went after the black hood hard so, it's no surprise he wants to humiliate her, we can't do it, it would destroy her credibility", Betty explained. "Yeah and build yours with the black hood and anyway what credibility Betty, your mom is also going after our friends", Archie said. "It would blind side her, we can't publish it", Betty said. Finley rubbed her arm. "Do what you think is right Betty, I'm with you every step of the way", Finley said as her phone started to ring. She glanced down and saw it was Sweet Pea. "I'll see you guys", she said as she walked away. She answered the phone putting it to her ear. "Yes Sweets", she asked? "Tonight, Whyte Wyrm, Jughead's initiation", Sweet Pea said. "Yeah what about it", she asked? He groaned. "I want you there so I can see you and besides Toni wants to see you again", he explained. "Okay Sweet Pea but you think they'll all like me", she asked nervously? "Of course if I like you everyone else will, I'm the hard person to crack but you've already cracked me", he said making her heart swell. "If only people know that your just a big softie teddy bear", she teased. "I'm hanging up now", he said. "Bye Sweets", she said smiling to herself. "Bye babe", he said. Her heart felt like exploding hearing the nickname.


Walking into the Wyte Wyrm she felt out of place. Earlier as she got ready to go Betty let her know that she changed her mind and would be releasing the article of her mother. Her mind forgot about the chaos that would come about the Cooper household. The whole bar was packed considering the event happening. "Oh my god Finley", she heard her name. She turned toward the bar and saw the one and only Toni Topaz. Toni instantly embraced her in a hug. She let go. "When Sweet Pea told me you were coming I was so exited and especially when I heard that you guys are dating, which I'd never see the day when he'd have a girlfriend", she said. Finley suddenly felt two large arms wrap around her waist and a chin her on her head. "Talking crap about me Topaz", his deep voice asked from behind Finley? Finley turned to face the tall raven haired boy. Finley grabbed the collar of his shirt crashing her lips to his missing the feeling. "Geez wait till I leave, my eyes are burning", Toni joked as she walked away. "Finley", an older man's voice asked? The voice made the two separate from each other. "My girlfriend", Sweet Pea said proudly making Finley feel so happy. "Hi Tall Boy", she said. "So glad to see you", he said politely and that's when Jughead walked in. Finley smiled widely running to her friend and giving him a big hug. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever", she said. "Same Fin", Jughead said squeezing her slightly. "Watch it Jones", Sweet Pea said sternly. Finley rolled her eyes and removed herself from Jughead. Tall Boy then stepped forward. "Are you ready", he asked Jughead? Jughead nodded standing up straight.


What is the fourth law", Tall Boy screamed in Jughead's face! No Serpent is left for dead", Jughead yelled back. The yelling kind of scared Finley but it seemed as if these laws really should be taken seriously. Finley sat next to Sweet Pea his hand on her leg. "What is the fifth law", Tall Boy yelled! "A Serpent never betrays it's own", Jughead yelled back! "What is the sixth"? "In unity, there is strength", Jughead said. "In unity there is strength", the whole room yelled and Finley watched Sweet Pea as he proudly said those words. Her heart swelled knowing how much the Southside Serpents meant to him. Tall Boy motioned for silence. "You know the laws, now it's time for the next trial", Tall Boy said. Sweet Pea revealed what was in the covered cage and Finley gasped. It revealed a snake near a knife. "Retrieve the knife", Tall Boy said. "What", Jughead asked? Sweet Pea looked down at Finley and she held a look of worry.


The Wyte Wyrm was loud and all the Serpents enjoyed themselves drinking, playing pool, and many other things. Finley actually liked the atmosphere and she was happy for Jughead because if he was happy about being a serpent she has to be happy for him. Jughead and Toni sat together talking about who knows what as Finley watched her boyfriend lean over the pool table. Sweet Pea noticed her looking and sent her a smile. Sweet Pea then walked over to her. "After this game are you coming home with me to spend the night", he asked? Finley smirked wrapping her arms around his neck as he got closer to her. "So I have to get up early again just so you can cuddle with me", she complained teasingly? "Cuddle I hate that word", he said. She laughed. "Snuggle", she asked? He let out a laugh kissing her cheek quickly. "Sure but I need to get to school tomorrow so I can meet Veronica's friend from New York or whatever", Finley said. Sweet Pea raised his eyebrows. "It better be a girl", he warned. "Why do you automatically think some guy who I don't know will have some interest in me when he sees me", she asked? "I mean I did", he said. Sweet Pea did have a point. "I felt exactly the same toward you", she said giving his hand a light squeeze.

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