The Beginning

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The car plowed off the bridge and landed in the river. Flipping over and over until it landed. Upside. Down. When it hit the water, her words died. A girl surfaced and crawled to the bank. Lying down screaming hysterically as no-one else emerged. A lone survivor. Her mother, father and two brothers still inside. Multiple sirens sounded as ambulances and police cars arrived on scene. 

It made national news. On that day, 4 lives were lost. Her mother, father and two brothers. Her world.

Her father had been a very influential man. Everywhere she looked she could see her family's faces. And it destroyed her. Her eldest brother (22) had been driving. When the post-morten examination came back, all her family had died from drowning. And her older brother had been under the influence of drugs. He killed their family.

They say she only survived because she was sat in the boot seat and managed to break the back window. She only survived becuase the current pushed her into the car and that she could swim. She was told she was lucky, but she didn't feel lucky. Her survivors guilt only increased at their funerals. Seeing them all lay side by side in ebony coffins together made her feel lonley and like she should of left with them. She should've died. She would've died a member of the family, not the outsider she was now.

Endlessly haunted by the media wanting details and not caring how they got them, she fell into depression. Her grades slipped, she stopped attending school. Everywhere she went people gave her sad looks or cat-called out. So she stopped leaving the house. Never moving from her bed not even to eat. She grew painfully thin. She saw no point in living without them. No matter how hard her uncles and aunts tried nothing helped.

This carried on for 7 months. 7 months of crying, lying in bed and going in and out of hospital because she wasn't eating. She couldn't do anything by herself and was too weak to move. Stranded in the house that used to hold so many happy memories that now haunted her. She could see her mom in the mirror, hear her dad's laugh in the wind and smell her younger brother's deodorant. It killed her on the inside.

Until one day everything changed. A light pierced her darkness. BTS. In them she was hope. Those 7 members changed the way she thought. She wanted to meet them. Heck she wanted to work with them. 

Before the accident, she loved music. Composing, writing lyrics and performing. She only performed to her family; her dad was her biggest fan. He had secretly recorded a demo of her performing her song 'little lies' and sent it to a recording company. They would of gone to the recording company today to talk about her being a potential artist. But it fell apart. When he left, she didn't want to carry on becuase every note reminded her of him. 

Now she wanted to carry on. She wanted to live a life for her family, knowing they were watching. For the first time  since their funerals, she got out of bed. Looking in the mirror she gasped; her eyes were sunk, her hair tangled and greasy, skin sallow and you could see every bone in her body. She vowed to get healthier.

She took a shower to feel like her old self again. It brought some color back into her cheeks amd untangled her hair. It hung down to her waist which was too long so she grabbed the kitchen scissors and started cutting until it reached her shoulders. 

You can't just heal overnight though; the anxiety and depression still tried to hold her back. She was more resistant to it than she once was but it could still make her bed-bound. She was determined to beat her demons and achieve her re-ignited dream. Picking up the pieces is hard, and putting them back together is harder.

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