35: 25 Years of RAW

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Catherine sat in the locker room with a strong face. She had posted online about her job for the last 17 years of life. She was an official worker with WWE for 17 years. She smiled as she walked backstage and talked to everyone. She smiled as she met Steve Austin. "Damn, I've missed you!", Steve hugged her and she smiled. "You, little lady, have had a hell of a couple of years.", she sighed, "Tell me about it. I just want everything to calm down. I just, I want to go back to my normal.", Steve nodded and she smirked, "So, who is getting the stunner tonight?", Steve laughed and walked away, making her roll her eyes. "I just want to help!", Steve's laugh filled the air and she giggled. Her future, her present, and her past were all together and she didn't mind, not one bit. She was hoping to see a tattooed straight edge man tonight or a shorter black haired psycho, but she knew she probably wouldn't. The company had done her two friends wrong, and everyone knew it. Now, they were doing it to Paige. Catherine frowned as she rounded a corner and looked at Stephanie, Vince, and Hunter. "We need to figure something out.", Catherine gave a soft smile, "I'm assuming this is about the Enzo situation. I have an idea.", she flashed a smile, "Have a tournament like what happened over on Smackdown.", Stephanie looked at the girl, "You think he did it?", Catherine frowned, "I don't know what to think, but we can't let the title stay in his hands. That's the worst thing for the company. Tj, Noam, Cedric, Jack. One of them deserve it. You guys have to realize, in the last six months, we've lost two Cruiserweight to serious reasons. If this actually happened, we need someone that isn't tarnished. Jack is the best bet. The fans love him, he has a neat look, a unique gimmick. A small tournament, 3 matches. It can happen tonight or even on 205 live.", they nodded and she gave a soft smile. "Alright, well, I'll be going. See you guys.", she went to walk away, "Don't you gave a match coming up?", Catherine turned, "Umm, I don't think so. I'm not in the 6- Women's tag match and I don't have a mixed tag match with Fergel. Unless you guys put me in a match and didn't tell me, no.", Stephanie farrowed her eyebrows, "So, no Sweet Chin roundabout?", Catherine smirked, "There's always a sweet chin round about when the Michaels get together.", she flicked her hair and walked away, making her friends chuckle. Shane walked over, "Steve is going to stunner me twice and Vince once. Whatcha think?", she smirked, "I think, I'm in part of my gear already. Let me change real quick and we can get an early start to a roundabout.", Shane nodded and she went to the locker room and put on her HBK inspired ring gear. She rubbed the bottom of her boots and pulled them on as she pulled her hair from the curled ponytail and she shook it out with a smile. This was going to be fun.

Steve had just delivered the stunner to Vince and Shane grabbed the second beer from Steve and took a drink. While Steve delivered the second stunner, Shawn's enterance sing rang throughout the arena and Catherine snuck in from the crowd behind the commentary table. She smirked as Steve turned and she hit the sweet chin. She laughed and knelt down beside Shane, she pulled him up as she glanced at Vince. She raised an eyebrow and walked toward him. She stood over his hips and bent at her hips and lightly tapped the side of his face. She shrugged when he didn't move and she left the ring with a smile and a wave. She winked at the crowd and gave a scream, "25 years of RAW, Brooklyn!", and she walked back up the ramp. She went behind the curtain and smiled as she hugged Hunter. He shook his head as Shawn walked in and they caught the reunion on camera. "You're going to run between arenas aren't you?", she smirked, "Oh, totally.", and she walked away. Stephanie grabbed her, "Don't forget, you're being honored tonight.", she nodded and walked away. She sighed as she went around the corner and gave a smile. 25 years of RAW, 17 years of a crazy career, 18 years of a crazy life. She touched one of the RAW posters and smiled, "And here's to 25 more.", she smirked and walked away, ready to cause more chaos, as she always did.

Catherine had taken a car to the other arena and she gave a smile as she got backstage. She smiled as she went inside and changed into some of her old gear, good thing she hadn't changed much Iver the last 10 years. She had her first enterance song up and she was ready to stun the crowd. She smirked as Undertaker was in the ring talking and she nodded, her music filled the air. She smirked as she walked down and she did her little pose. She winked and slid across the apron and laid down, arching her back and doing a small walk over. She smirked and straddled the middle rope, going into the ring. She smiled at Taker and lifted an eyebrow. She held her hand out, her old persona coming out, "Well, if it isn't my favorite person. The Undertaker.", he looked at her and she raised an eyebrow as she walked around and gave a chuckle. "I mean, I could have sworn we saw the last of you. But I mean, the Deadman doesn't stay dead. Thank the heavens. Or hell, I guess.", she sat on the middle rope and tilted her head. "So, based on your little speech, are you coming back?", the crowd cheered and she smiled and gave a little laugh, "I mean, it would be amazing if you did.", she flicked up and eyebrow as she glanced at the crowd, "Well, I have better things to do. Kicking my uncle off a cage, RKoing my father, burning bones, sending a creepy man through a barricade, I mean, I have better things to be doing. I hear there's a poker game back there. I might go check that out.", she dropped her microphone and left the ring, she smirked as she went up the aisle and smirked as she did her turn and disappeared behind the curtain. She wiggled her shoulders and rushed around, she changed clothes and went back to the other arena.

She smiled as she stood on stage with the other women that were honored tonight on RAW 25. They all hugged and smiled and Catherine wore a small smile as she hugged Maryse and Maria, congratulating them on their little girls. As they got backstage, Daniel handed Catherine Birdie and everyone watched the interaction between Godmother and Goddaughter. Catherine smiled, "Hello, my baby bird. I love you so much. Have you met Davina yet? She's probably with the boys playing video games. Or her grandfather and uncle. Or possible or father. She's probably getting in trouble. She's a handful and you're going to be one too, aren't you? You little bird. I didn't even know you were going to be here. Your mommy surprised me.", she giggled as Birdie touched her face and Catherine smiled. "Yeah, your Auntie Cat loves you so much. I have a surprise for you at my house. You and Mom will have to come visit soon.", Catherine kissed Birdie and smiled as she let out a breath. "I can't wait for you to visit. It better be soon.", she handed Birdie back to Daniel, "Sorry to love and run, but I'm needed at the other arena for the last segment and match. I'll catch up with you all later? We can have a girls day at my house? Yeah? Good.", and she sprinted and got into her car again.

DX Reunion was happening. She might have been young, but Catherine was part of DX. She smirked as she changed into black high waisted shorties, a cropped and cutout DX shirt, and her high top converse's with lime green laces. She smirked while her father and uncle were talking and she snuck to the table and had them play her old enterance, which was similar to her father's. It was quiet for a moment before it played and everyone in the ring was looking around as feedback entered the arena and she smirked as she walked out. She smiled as she turned and did the famous pose before she run down the aisle and slid across the apron, she laid down and arched her back before she did her walk over and straddled the middle rope before she entered the ring. She spun and smiled at the men who helped raise her. She flicked up an eyebrow and they all engulfed her into a hug. She laughed and smiled as they all turned and did the famous, "Suck It!", she winked and pranced around before she hit her famous pose from back in the day. She turned as she heard Finn's theme and the bullet club walked out, with Davina. Catherine raised an eyebrow and smirked as Davina shot passed Finn, Luke, and Karl and slid into the ring, Catherine smiled as Davina hugged her but was stunned when Davina run and smiled at Shawn and he picked her up. Catherine chuckled and shook her head. The three men entered the arena and Catherine stood with her Uncle and Father in front of Finn, Luke, and Karl. The six members of DX raised for a Too Sweet and the Revival interrupted. Catherine turned and raised her eyebrow before looking at her father, "Then two must be dumb. The odds are against them. 9 on 2?", Jerry laughed and she chuckled has she shot him a wink. The two men entered and Scott, was that his name, Catherine didn't know, grabbed a microphone. "Alright, whatever. Get out the ring, we've a match.", Catherine snorted and Shawn handed her a microphone, "You ever heard of manners?", the man glared at her and she raised an eyebrow, "Dad, get Vina out the ring, please.", Shawn nodded and Jerry went and got Davina. Catherine tilted her head and chuckled as she gave a smile, "This isn't going to end up well for them.", the two Revival members looked at each other and Catherine slapped them both and delivered a kick to their stomachs before she planted both of them with head busters. She bent over both of them and spit, "Learn to respect your superiors, bitch.", she turned and 'kicked up the dirt' before she turned and smiled, she slid from the ring and stood with Finn and her father as they watched Karl and Luke defeat the Revival. Catherine smirked and turned doing a little victory dance. The crowd cheered and she smiled. She grabbed Davina and the did a little dance as well. "You wouldn't have won, had your little bitch hit us.", Catherine's face fell into a glare, "Finn, darling, take Vina to the back. Please.", he nodded and Catherine and Shawn got into the ring. She tilted her head and laughed, "You're saying that you lost because a girl hit you? Man. I've got the power, baby!", the crowd cheered and she smirked, "If you wanted me to beat you up, all you had to do was ask.", she chuckled and dropped the microphone, she kicked it toward the edge and Hunter grabbed it. She pranced around and she lifted an eyebrow, doing a silent fame of eenie-meenie-miney-mo before she shrugged and went to town on Scott. She picked him after after and bit and slammed him down with a power bomb. She turned and punted the other one and she turned just in time to his Scott with a Sweet Chin, "1!", he sounds and got hit with one from Shawn, "2!", the other guy got up and Catherine hit him, "3!", he then got hit by Shawn again, "4!", Scott stood up, and Jerry said he was going to wish he had stayed down, "5! 6! 7! 8!", as Scott got up for the last time, he got hit with a Queen's crossbow and the other guy did as well. Catherine smirked and skipped around, just waiting. Scott stood up first, "RKO!", and then the other guy did as she rolled and got behind him, "Zig-Zag!", and she smirked and did a little whirl. She tilted her head and smirked as Hunter climbed in, "And that's how you get beat up by a girl.", she dropped the microphone between the two men and she gave a wink. The remaining three DX members left the ring and went behind the gorilla. She smiled and they whole backstage area cheered. RAW 25 was a hit!

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